Galaxy Class Damage Galaxy Class Damage

(8 votes)
Spock, 2003-04-09

NIce mod tat will make the galaxy class ships look damaged - but it doesn't get the damage when hit - only from start i'm assuming - but there's no readme

Version    Author  Spock  Website   
Downloads  634  Size  309.03 KB  Created  2003-04-09 



#1 Spock 2003-04-12 11:33
this mod is MY mod!!!!!!!!!!! (spock)

i dit put the readme whit the mod!!!!!!!!
#2 8472pinkblobs 2003-05-30 08:10
From the pic the model looks kinda' cartoony with the stubby nacels. ;-)
#3 Ramrod_the_Destroyer 2007-02-07 09:55
Only because the image is a little compressed horizontally - click on the image and it looks pretty normal.

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