Fusion Cubes Mod Fusion Cubes Mod

(8 votes)
lucas1988, 2002-10-18

Why don't the Borg just build Fusion Cubes from their starbases?

A good question, but now Luke has solved it by replacing the Cube and Tactical Cube with the Fusion Cube and Tactical Fusion Cube, respectively.

The Borg will have a huge advantage now...

This Mod allows you to build fusion Cubes in the Advanced Shipyard of the Borg

it will Replace the Cube> Fusion Cube
it will Replace The Tactical Cube> Tactical Fusion Cube

So you can use this Mod you Have to Extract the Files Into Your Star Trek Armada II

If there is anything wrong please Contact Me at

Version    Author  lucas1988  Website   
Downloads  999  Size  799.39 KB  Created  2002-10-18 



#1 X5_452 2002-10-19 10:11
This will give them a huge advantage yes, but it will make game play one sided, any other player wont stand a chance if a fusion cube was made right at the beginning of the game before any one could build anythingYucky

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