Federation Operations Starbase Mod Federation Operations Starbase Mod

(5 votes)
Almirant Alan, 2003-01-20

From the Readme:
This mod adds the federation operations starbase, seen in some movies (like ST-III or ST-IV).
Is a powerful and big base. Construcs the same shis as the other base, and have more crew, hull
and weapons. (it also include a new tipe of phaser & photon)
The base will be able to be constructed, once you have build a shipyard, the adv shipyard, and
both science and research stations.


Federation Operations Starbase Mod

Firs, for the english readers, i hope you understand this readme. Im from Argentina, and i dont speak much englis.



Title : Federation Operations Starbase
Filename : FOS.zip
Date : 01-04-03
Author : Almirant Alan
Email : tudoralan@yahoo.com.ar
Credits : -Modification of Odf files and adaptation by Almirant Alan
-Model and Textures created by 9ofnine
Build time : 30 minutes to configure the files and about 6hs to balance and "equalize" the base to the game.


Description of the Modification:

This mod adds the federation operations starbase, seen in some movies (like ST-III or ST-IV).
Is a powerful and big base. Construcs the same shis as the other base, and have more crew, hull
and weapons. (it also include a new tipe of phaser & photon)
The base will be able to be constructed, once you have build a shipyard, the adv shipyard, and
both science and research stations.



This is IMPORTANT!!!!!!!

-If you have instaled another mod, instaling the Fed Operations Starbase mod could cause the program to crash, and you will have
to reinstall the game. But, also, maybe nothing hapened. It all depends of what tipe of mod have you instaled.

-Before instaling, i recomend to do a backup of the odf files. If the game crash, you wouldnt have to reinstall the game, only
copy and paste the odf.

-I only adapt the model to be created by the federation in the normal game, the textures and the model are from


Steps to install:

1. Once you have unziped the FOS.zip file, open all the odf, Sod, Sprites, techtree, bitmaps
and texture folders until you come to the files.
2. Copy and paste them in the same places, on your armada 2 instalation directory (the defaul
its c:/Program Files/Activision/StarTrekArmadaII)
3. A message of overwrite apears, click yes to all.
4. Run Armada 2 and enjoy!!!!!!!


Plese, all questions, suggestions or anything you want, send me an e-mail.
You are free to distribute this mod.
I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Version    Author  Almirant Alan  Website   
Downloads  1,643  Size  859.19 KB  Created  2003-01-20 



#1 AdmiralQ 2003-01-23 07:24
It is call Space Dock

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