Federation Experimental Test Ship Federation Experimental Test Ship

(9 votes)
Iggy, 2002-10-04

A minimod from Iggy that will add some special weapons to the Data Miner ship.

Hi All,

This is version 1.0 of my Federation Experimental Test Ship for A2, which will add the Federation Experimental Test Ship, slipstream drive, and Agroborg's Transphasic Torpedoes version 3.0 to the game.
The Federation Experimental Test Ship is armed with slipstream drive, transphasic torpedoes, holo-generator, computer overide, cormbomite reflector, and gemini effect. The actual in game model of the ship is a modified mining freigter (a.k.a. data miner), but its little ship symbol is an incursion class. I used a modded incursion odf and copied the data miner sod and changed it to fincursion.sod. The ship is equally priced to, with a cost of 3000d 1500m and 1000l, and uses the repair ship physics file. I figure every modder has to do their stupid, overpowering kick the enemy in the head mod, and I suppose this is mine.

Note: This mod is only playable on free tech, unless you make your own modifications.

Installation: Ive eclosed this in a self extracting .exe file, just click and play!

Bugs: none so far, but this will make the incursion class not playable as an incursion class ( I think the data miner is still ok in the fed mission), but thats not really a bug.

Uninstall: sorry, but with any .exe self extractor, the only way to remove the mod is take out the files manually, or uninstall and then install the game (reinstalling doesnt do the same thing).


Thanks to Agroborg, Pneumonic81, and Westworld for their fabulous weapon files. I have included thier readmes as well, for additional credit.

Legal stuff etc.

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

If you want to use part of this in your mod, just include a credit to me, or readme.
If you have any questions E-mail me at iggy614@earthlink.net


Version    Author  Iggy  Website   
Downloads  1,236  Size  352.83 KB  Created  2002-10-04 



#1 Iggy 2002-10-04 19:56
This mod is only playable on free tech.

Any questions/comments to:

#2 Iggy 2002-10-04 23:11
Sorry for two posts in a row, but if you didnt read the readme, this isnt just a data miner mod, this infact doesnt touch the data miner ODF. This will add a incursion class with data miner sods and textures, and will be built from the starbase.

Take a vote. Add a comment.

thanx :-)
#3 steve122 2002-10-09 11:56
Is there a way of getting the new ship in the normal levels and in a instant action game with out the free tech on??
#4 Iggy 2002-10-09 17:37
Sorry, I only made this playable in free tech, but I could update it for free tech if you want.
#5 Guest 2003-09-14 08:41
this could be cool,

ill dl.


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