Enterprise D Ghost Enterprise D Ghost

(5 votes)
Raphael, 2003-01-04

From the Readme:

Did you remember NCC 1701 USS Enterprise D, destroyed on Viridia 3? Yes? Well this is she... but it's a GHOST! Equiped with Tractor Beam, Sensor Jammer, Computer Override, Cloaking Device, Phase Cloak Device and Cloak Enhancer Device! Also equiped with Quantum Torpedoes.
She don't have crew: she is a ghost. If I add crew to she, she can be assimilated... A ghost can be assimilated? I think not.

Did you remember NCC 1701 USS Enterprise D, destroyed on Viridia 3? Yes? Well this is she... but it's a GHOST! Equiped with Tractor Beam, Sensor Jammer, Computer Override, Cloaking Device, Phase Cloak Device and Cloak Enhancer Device! Also equiped with Quantum Torpedoes.
She don't have crew: she is a ghost. If I add crew to she, she can be assimilated... A ghost can be assimilated? I think not.

Put the fentedghost.odf file in the ODF/SHIPS folder.
Put the ef_named.odf and sghostphys.odf files in the ODF/OTHER folder.
Put the hclkenh.odf, hgoverrid, hpcloak e hposijam files in the ODF/SPECIAL WEAPON folder.
Put the fentedghost.SOD in the SOD folder and the fentedghost.bmp in the BITMAPS/ADMIRALS LOG/ SHIP IMAGES folder.
Add these lines to Gui_Global.spr file, in the Sprites folder:
b_fentedghost gbfgalaxy 0 0 64 64
under the federation build buttons,
fentedghostw1 fedwireframe01 0 48 48 48
fentedghostw2 fedwireframe01 48 48 48 48
fentedghostw3 fedwireframe01 96 48 48 48
fentedghostw4 fedwireframe01 144 48 48 48
fentedghostw5 fedwireframe01 192 48 48 48
under the federation wireframes,
b_hgoverrid hcompovr00 0 0 64 64
b_hposijam gbsensjam00 0 0 64 64
b_hpcloak gbpcloak00 0 0 64 64
b_hclkenh gbclkenh00 0 0 64 64
under the special weapons.

Add these lines to Fulltech.tt (Techtree folder):
fentedghost.odf 0
under the federation ships and
hpcloak.odf 0
hclkenh.odf 0
hposijam.odf 0
hgoverrid.odf 0
under the special weapons.

Add these lines to tech1.tt (Techtree folder):
fentedghost.odf 0 // ghost (uss enterprise d)
under federation ships.
hpcloak.odf 0 // phase cloak for hero ship (uss enterprise d)
hclkenh.odf 0 // cloak enhancer for hero ship (uss enterprise d)
hposijam.odf 0 // sensor jammer for hero ship (uss enterprise d)
hgoverrid.odf 0 // computer override for hero ship (uss enterprise d)
under the Other Special Weapons.

Open the fed.odf file, on the ODF/OTHER folder and search for these lines:
standardUnits1 = "fconst.odf" // construction ship
standardUnits2 = "fconst.odf" // construction ship
standardUnits3 = "fbase.odf" // starbase
standardUnits4 = "fscout.odf" // starbase
and add this line under:
standardUnits5 = "fentedghost.odf" // starbase

Use the Map Editor to put this ship on Single Player Missions.

If you want add it to your mod, map, etc., please, contact me before.
What you think about this ship? Mail me for any sugestions.


Version    Author  Raphael  Website   
Downloads  1,288  Size  79.55 KB  Created  2003-01-04 



#11 Guest 2003-04-01 10:32
As the title says sounds great but i havent got the ability to change the relevant files for it to work is there anywhere i can learn how to??

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