Dragon Master's Second Modpack (1.1) Dragon Master's Second Modpack (1.1)

(1 vote)
Dragon Master, 2004-10-16

This is an updated version of Dragon Masters seccond modpack. latinum bombs for the Federation, some maps, a slipstreem mod to give all ships slipstream technology and a tutorial on how to get it all working.

Author: Dragon Master
Total Build Time: 4 hours

This the 2nd mod pack out of 5. This pack includes:

The bombs (federation latinum bombs)
Various maps 2 (more of my maps or ones ive modded)
Slipstream mod (makes all ships have slipstream tech.)
Tutorial on how to get mods to work. (a tutorial i wrote..)

The readmes are in their respective folders. I hope you all enjoy these mods.

Credit stuff:
This time, most of these mods are my own. However, i would like to give credit to whom ever made the dauntless mod and the Gravity Strike.
They really know how to make good mods so give em a round of appalase!
I would have contacted the owners but i cant find the stupid readme for their files. :(

Legal Stuff:

None of these mods are supported by activision. You install at your own risk.
All mods have been tested in game. Paramount pictures owns Star Trek and all its subsiduaries.
I'd like to know if you're going to use any mod in this pack for your own. You dont have to contact me but now i want to keep tabs on how my mods are being used after my 1st map pack disaster! (yikes! still sorry john!)
If u arent going to contact me, just included the readme associated with the files of mine youre using.

Contact info:

if you have any problems with any of the mods, you may email me at GalaxyExplorer89@aol.com
That means im on aim as GalaxyExplorer. My message board is down right now due to server problems so please dont go posting your problems there.


Dragon Master

Version    Author  Dragon Master  Website   
Downloads  994  Size  3.18 MB  Created  2004-10-16 



#1 Ultimate_Dragon 2004-10-20 12:14
:-) this is my updated model of the latinum bomb, its more advanced so now theres a ship for all types of operations, base destruction, map destruction, and end-game destruction.... 8)

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