Cloaked Fleet Mod Cloaked Fleet Mod

(13 votes)
WASAAP, 2002-10-15

This Mod gives all the federation ships infinite special energy, the
ability to cloak, and makes some of the ships build faster. It also gives
the defensless ships (Cargo ship, construction ship, etc.) a weapon.
(this mod should only work for multiplayer)

Sounds like a nice first mod!

This Mod gives all the federation ships infinite special energy, the
ability to cloak, and makes some of the ships build faster. It also gives
the defensless ships (Cargo ship, construction ship, etc.) a weapon.
(this mod should only work for multiplayer)

P.S.(this is for all other modders out there:
if ive takken or copied any idea that youve already put out and it
offends you please tell me and i will fully apologize.)



Version    Author  WASAAP  Website   
Downloads  992  Size  253.44 KB  Created  2002-10-15 



#11 WASAAP 2002-10-17 06:29
im glad you like it. thanks for your vote!
#12 WASAAP 2002-10-17 08:47
[Admin Edit] And...There's no need to start a bickering fight.
#13 Guest 2002-10-17 10:05
Who cares A2 is non-cannon anyway so anything goes!

- designationlocutus
#14 The_Geek 2002-11-10 12:06
I apologize for roasting this mod. Canon shouldn't get in the way of mods. That's why they're mods. I vote it a 10/10 now (yes, every week you can revote, so I'm revoting).

I still don't like the situation about the Federation being the only race worth playing, but I can tolerate that.

#15 Guest 2002-11-11 05:25
nothing personally taken. youve got the freedom of speech. besides it happened a long time ago. by now ive completely forgotten anyway. no hard feelings! :-)

#16 Guest 2002-11-11 05:27
the preview ya sent me was nice! keep up the good work. 8)


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