Borg Textures 2 Borg Textures 2

(6 votes)
Lt_Commander, 2003-09-05

This is a pack of borg textures for individual mods for A2. It will give borg textures to the NX Class,
Danube, excelsior refit and The Dauntless.

Borg textures for mutliple mods

By: Lt_Commander

Borg Textures
Danube class(lighted) - REDRAGON_and_APCMmkII
Dauntless class - vt1032
Excel refit v2(lighted) - Capt. Fingers
NX01(lighted) - Deemon
To install:
Step 1
Unzip and open folder
Step 2
Open the A2 root directory and insert files in textures/RGB.
Step 3
open game and assimlate ships.
Step 4
enjoy :)
Why did I do this?
Because borg textures look cool.
When I put up a thread,I never got a response, and if you have a problem, tell me and I will be shure to never do another mod from the complaitant.
Notes: You need the origional mod to use these. The ships with alpha textures have lighted nodes. If you like what you see, and want one done for your mod, e-mail me at If this crashes your game(I don't see how), I am not responsable.

Version    Author  Lt_Commander  Website   
Downloads  1,100  Size  1.94 MB  Created  2003-09-05 



#1 STGamerNew2002 2003-09-05 07:18
Do you have the texture for the Ambassador & regular EXCELSIOR class ships also?
#2 Guest 2003-09-05 07:32
Yeah, I've got those. I'll release them in the next pack.

I had a pack 1 that was submitted, but this one got submitted first. That had a SFC3 Nova and p81's sov.

Lt_Commander :-)
#3 STGamerNew2002 2003-09-06 04:56
Hey Lt_Commander ,

Thanks for the files here. :-) I would like to know can you help me create a borg texture file for a Dominion ship I would like to re-release as part of the 'Dominion Ultimate 1.1' mod? LMK on this and we can futher chat on it - thanks again.
#4 Lt_Commander 2003-09-06 05:24
Shure, I will help. Just e-mail me a test texture and I'll get it done(A sod to see it in S3D will help too). If you like what you see, I'll do more.
#5 nazi_ufo 2003-09-20 00:26
Just wondering if it would be cool to use these textures in a Mirror Universe mod i've been working on. Full credits will be given. :P
#6 Lt_Commander 2003-09-20 06:51
Shure. Go ahead. If what I do helps the avancement of a mod, I'll be glad to help.

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