AVM| Voyager Class AVM| Voyager Class

(8 votes)
Ted H, 2002-11-10

Ok here it is with no autoinstaller, i know the files work,but for some reason the autoinstaller was messed up, so heres the files, plus some fairly detailed installation instructions....

AVM|Voyager Class

Well here is the voyager class, designed by reptile for vvs8 [and 9]

go there to get more info on the ship! Maybe also take a look at the stories ;)

more description-

voyager class has the following weapons (weapons with *s are designed by reptile too):
phased beams* new
tachyon weapons* new
Kep cannon* new
Photonic armor* new
Battle mode* new
Serinax cloak* new

How the armor/battle mode works/why

Because of stupid crap-o-vision (sometimes known as activision) u cant have 2 of the same classlabels on one ship so I can have it engage armor or battle mode separately, so it rotates
Standard>>battlemode>>photonic armor>>standard>>continues


Quantom Halo(QH) � for the amazing model!!! Good job qh!!

Reaper: yes he did the wireframes/buttons, a good job at them too!!

Reptile: designed this ship along with the rest of vvs, go check it out at his website: http://vv8.jetc.org/main.html

Ted h

Version  No Installer (works)  Author  Ted H  Website   
Downloads  3,016  Size  385.83 KB  Created  2002-11-10 



#21 thor1963 2005-11-01 22:51
well i did what the readme file said but on one that says put this in the reference256 @tmaterial there are a lot of 256 tmaterial buttons...icons etc but have no clue what to look for or where it is in the sprite gui global can someone help me on this?

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