AVM 4.0 Delta Flyer Patch AVM 4.0 Delta Flyer Patch

(4 votes)
Ted H, 2002-09-08

This patch fixes a few probelms with the Delta Flyer in AVM.

Version    Author  Ted H  Website   
Downloads  2,679  Size  28.00 KB  Created  2002-09-08 



#11 WeAreBorg 2002-10-11 17:33
i have gotten the delta flyer to work...i'm sorry for bothering you...but i still have problems in regards to the NX class ship..and the patch...they won't work for me... :sad:
#12 Angelous 2002-10-12 17:41
If you are still checking to see if anyone has answered then sorry i can't help but i would like to no how you got the flyer to work because i have had the same problem. Also to voyager009 when i download it and look into the file. This might sound strange me saying i have had trouble with the flyer if there is nothing in the file but i did have armoured voyager on my pc but my hard drive broke so i lost everything and when i went to put things back on the game there was nothing in the file. Pimp

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