Antithesis Replacement Antithesis Replacement

(1 vote)
Mertek, 2002-12-21

From the Readme:

OK here is a replacement for the that came with Interstellar Machine's Antithesis Race Mod for STA2. It enables the Research Stations to do their jobs.

Note that this is not an official "Patch" from IM.

~~~~~~~~~Please Read This~~~~~~~~~
OK here is a replacement for the that came with Interstellar Machine's Antithesis Race Mod for STA2. It enables the Research Stations to do their jobs.
It worked for me in my game when i used it so hopefully it should work for anyone else too.
Just in case this does NOT work on your game then i beg of you please, please make a back-up of your first, there's less chance of messing up your game that way.

If this doesn't work then i do apologise but i thought as it works for me it would for everyone else.
If you do not make a back-up of your as i advised above i take no responsibilty for anything bad that happens to your game.

For models by Interstellar Machine please visit as said in the readme file for the Antithesis Mod.
As i already said, if this doesnt work then im sorry for wasting your time by you downloading it.
Antithesis Mod made by: Interstellar Machine ( Altered By: Mertek (
Have Fun People!

Version    Author  Mertek  Website   
Downloads  979  Size  7.55 KB  Created  2002-12-21 



#1 Guest 2003-09-14 09:09
does this allow the construction ship to build too?

(small glitch there,lol)


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