Alliances Mod
Here's what he told me about it:
This will add sona ships to the federation and dominion ships to the cardassians. I will create another version of this that will have ships for the romulans and klingons. I have also creates a new subspace weapon. The new ships are built by their own shipyard that needs a trading station to be constructed.
Alliances mod (v1.0)
Very special thanks to Michael Pantner and Iggy for their SOD�s and textures.
cconst.odf, fconst.odf, zjembat.odf, zjemdest.odf, zsonbat.odf, zsondest.odf to ODF ships.
Zsonyard.odf, zyard.odf to ODF stations.
gdompoleron.odf, gdomshieldh1.odf, gsubt.odf, subt.odf to odf special weapons.
zbphas.odf, zbphaso.odf, zjmphas.odf, zjmphaso.odf to ODF weapons/ phasers.
zbphot.odf, zphotono.odf to ODF weapons/ photons.
Copy all SOD to SOD folder.
Copy all textures to textures/RGB folder.
Copy all sounds to sounds/ voiceover/ ingame.
Copy and to techtree folder.
Copy gui_global.spr and weapon.spr to sprites.
Open cconst.odf and type:
BuildItemX = �zyard�
Open fconst.odf and type:
BuildItemX = �zsonyard�
(X equals the next build number in line)
Open and type: Zsondest.odf 0, Zsonbat.odf 0, Zsonyard.odf 0, gsubt.odf 0
zjemdest.odf 0, zjembat.odf 0, zyard.odf 0, gdompoleron.odf 0, gdomshieldh1.odf 0
Open and type: Zsondest.odf 0, Zsonbat.odf 0 under federation ships,
Zsonyard.odf 1 ftrading.odf under federation stations,
gsubt.odf 0 under federation special weapons,
zjemdest.odf 0, zjembat.odf 0 under cardassian ships,
zyard.odf 1 ctrading.odf under cardassian stations,
gdompoleron.odf 0, gdomshieldh1.odf 0 under cardassian special weapons.
Open gui_global.spr and copy:
b_gdompoleron gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64
b_gdomshieldh1 gbshieldd00 0 0 64 64
b_gsubt gbrwave00 0 0 64 64
Version | Author | Cpt Geddes | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,304 | Size | 849.88 KB | Created | 2002-10-26 |
Future advice: More Ships!! youcan never go wrong with more ships