All Race Assault Class Improver
This increases the power that assault ships have on opponents and shielding thier own defenses
Assault Class Ships Mod For Armada 2
This is a very small mod which basically updates and improves the assault class ships of all the races in armada 2.
Ship info:
Fed Iwo Jima:
Now has two pulse phasers and one phaser. Also carries one torpedo launcher.
Now has two borg phasers and one borg torpedo launcher.
Kligon Chava\'Kal:
Now has two disruptor beams and one Kligon torpedo launcher.
Romulan Kestrel:
Now has two beam weapons and one Romulan Torpedo launcher.
Cardassian Janissary:
Now has two Cardassiany phasers and one Cadassian torpedo launcher.
Unzip the file and Copy the odf files into the odf file in your Star Trek Armada 2 directory.
If you have any problems or questions about the mod e-mail me at
Thanks For downloading it Marsden
Version | Author | Commee Bastard | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,243 | Size | 10.05 KB | Created | 2002-06-26 |