Advanced Defense Platform Mod Advanced Defense Platform Mod

(13 votes)
Greetz Darkvortex, 2003-01-01

This will improve the stats of certain Federation ships.

how to install,

c:\program files\activision\startrek armada 2
copy the maps into the folder above and youre don
you have to overwrite only one thing, thats the construction ship

Version    Author  Greetz Darkvortex  Website   
Downloads  1,817  Size  33.44 KB  Created  2003-01-01 



#1 cecilzero1 2003-01-01 14:54
ummm doesnt this go under add ons ?????
#2 USSPOSEIDON 2005-03-30 22:49
CCCCCOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!RockRockRock

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