Romualn Griffin Class Cruiser Romualn Griffin Class Cruiser

(1 vote)
Pepperman, 2009-01-31

This mod tweaks the Romulan Griffin Class Cruiser adding modified textures, and weapons. Hope all the A1 fans enjoy her!

Note: This mini-mod is designed to replace the stock Romulan Griffin. It will overwrite exsisting files so the user is urged to make backups as appropriate.

* Model Credits:
* Romualn Griffin Class Cruiser v1.0
* - Game: Star Trek Armada
* - Mesh Developer: Activision
* - Texture Developer: Activision
* - Kitbase Texture: Darkdrone
* - Texture Enhancements: Cleeve
* - Conversion to Armada1: Peppperman
* Wireframe, Build Buttons and Object Definition Files (ODFs):
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Pepperman
* Other textures:
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Romulan phaser and disruptor textures by Rake
* Homepage:
* Contact:
* Romulan Plasma torpedeo texture by AnunC8's Unique
* Weapon Sprites (Modder's Resource)
* Contact: anunc8(@)yahoo(.)com
* Audio Files:
* - Uses stock sounds
* Note: This mini-mod is designed to replace the stock Romulan Griffin.
* It will overwrite files so the user is urged to make backups as
* appropriate.


The Griffin was designed to compliment the Romulan
fleet by confusing and disabling the enemy. Its reinforced
shielding and ample crew allow it to be a formidable
opponent in combat. In addition to a standard cloaking device, all Griffins are armed with powerful
phasers, pulse disruptors and plasma torpedoes.

Setup Instructions:
1. Download file

Download file, virus check and extract files to a known location other than
the Armada directory

2. Copy files

Copy the *.SOD to your Armada SOD Directory
Copy the *.odf to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.tga to your Armada Textures/Rgb Directory

3. Mod the ship files and make it buildable by the shipyard

No modifcations are required.

4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files

No modifications are required.

5. Mod the Gui_global.spr to add build buttons and wireframes

No modifications are required.

6. Mod the weapon.spr to add weapon references

Open the weapon.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites

Add the following lines under the respective headers:


# Warbird pulse 1
wrpulse1 wrpulse1 0 0 235 80

# Warbird beam 1
wrbeam1 wrbeam1 0 0 256 73


# Romulan Plasma Torpedeo
wrplasmatp rplasmatp 0 0 128 128 @anim=tex4x4

7. Mod the events.odf to add sound references

No changes required. Uses stock sounds.

8. Have fun with the Romualn Griffin Cruiser

I hope you enjoy this addition to ST Armada. Have fun.

9. Contact Info

Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you thought of the addon.

10. Uninstall Info

Reverse the steps above to remove this ship.

11. Legal

This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you (the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

Version  1.0  Author  Pepperman  Website   
Downloads  802  Size  1.93 MB  Created  2009-01-31 



#1 frostmourn4 2009-01-31 15:11
This is awesome, but why does it use two identical textures?
#2 pepperman 2009-01-31 17:08
If you examine them closely, you'll notice that alpha channels are included...a cheat if you will to bring alpha channels into A1 models
#3 frostmourn4 2009-01-31 18:38
I just checked and the ship isn't glowing. I just found a tutorial on AFC that says you need to increase the ilumination of the material used for the mesh to get glows in A1. Alpha channel apparently doesn't work at all in A1. The tutorial is here:

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