Reman Warbird Scimitar
The Reman Warbird is an armed and dangerous predator. The ship is equipped with a large number of disruptor cannons, photon torpedo launchers, and both primary and secondary shielding systems. All this is in addition to the Scimitar's special weapons--thalaron-based weapons--that can destroy every living thing on a starship or starbase in a matter of seconds. The Reman Warbird Scimitar has been converted from SFC III. The accompanying files have been setup to allow one to play the Scimitar as part of the Romulan Star Empire in Star Trek Armada I.
Warning: The Scimitar has been setup to be a very powerful vessel.
Reman Warbird Scimitar v1.3
Model Credits:
- Mesh Developer: Taldren
- Texture Developer: Taldren
Wireframe, Build Buttons and Object Definition Files (ODFs):
- Pepperman
Other textures:
- Activision and Mad Doc Software
- Reman pulse disruptor texture by Rake's Weapon Textures
- Homepage:
- Thaleron Beam Texture and associated files. Robdavidge and Kei Phillips
designed the Thaleron Weapon for Armada 2. It is currently available for
download at
Special thanks to them for allowing me to use it in my mod.
Audio Files:
- Star Trek Nemesis (TMP)
- Star Trek Aramda II (Video Game) //Activision
Changes in version 1.3
- Fixed missing odf problem
- Added Rake's pulse graphic for the Scimitar's disruptor cannons.
- Modified the thalaron torpedo
The Reman Warbird is an armed and dangerous predator. The ship is equipped with a
large number of disruptor cannons, photon torpedo launchers, and both primary and
secondary shielding systems. All this is in addition to the Scimitar's special
weapons--thalaron-based weapons--that can destroy every living thing on a starship
or starbase in a matter of seconds. The Reman Warbird Scimitar has been converted
from SFC III. The accompanying files have been setup to allow one to play the
Scimitar as part of the Romulan Star Empire in Star Trek Armada I. Warning: The
Scimitar has been setup to be a very powerful vessel.
Setup Instructions:
1. Download file
Download file, virus check and extract files to a known location other than
the Armada directory
2. Copy files
Copy the *.SOD to your Armada SOD Directory
Copy the *.odf to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.wav to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.tga to your Armada Textures/Rgb Directory
3. Mod the shipyard files and make it buildable by the shipyard
Open a shipyard.odf file (e.g., ryard2.odf, ryard3.odf) and insert a new builditem
under the construction parameters:
// Construction Parameters
buildItemX = "scimitar"
4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files
Open an appropriate techtree file (e.g., is for standard tech mode)
and add the following lines:
scimitar.odf 0
gsimclk.odf 0
tcannon.odf 0
ttorp.odf 0
5. Mod the Gui_global.spr to add build buttons and wireframes
Open the gui_global.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites
Add the following buttons under the # Romulan build buttons header:
# Build button for the Reman Warbird Scimitar
b_scimitar gbscimitar 0 0 64 64
# Build button for the Scimitar's cloaking device
b_gsimclk gbsimclk 0 0 64 64
# Build button for the Scimitar's Thalaron Cannon
b_tcannon gbthalaron 0 0 64 64
# Build button for the Scimitar's Talaron Torpeodo
b_ttorp gbttorp 0 0 64 64
Add the wireframe references under the follwing header:
# Ship Wireframes
# Wireframe for Reman Warbird Scimitar
scimitarw1 rwscimitar 40 0 40 40
scimitarw2 rwscimitar 0 40 40 40
scimitarw3 rwscimitar 40 40 40 40
scimitarw4 rwscimitar 80 0 40 40
scimitarw5 rwscimitar 0 0 40 40
6. Mod the weapon.spr to add weapon references
Open the weapon.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites
Add the following linesfor the respective headers:
# Reman Scimitar Disruptor Cannon
disrupt wscpulse1 0 0 256 172
# Thaleron Cannon Blast
thaleron thaleron 0 0 128 21 @anim=tex1x4
# Thaleron Torpedo
wartord2 Wartord2 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
# Reman Warbird Photon Torpedo
Wphoton5 Wphoton5 64 0 32 32 @anim=photanim
# Secondary Shielding for Scimitar
sshield sshield 0 107 128 21
# Thaleron Wave Effect
thalgen thalgen 0 64 128 32
7. Mod the events.odf to add sound references
Open the events.odf file located in the Star Trek - Armada main directory and
add the following lines under CAPTAINS VOICE SOUNDS section.
# Reman Warbird (SCIMITAR) Sounds
Sound <romulan> "scimACK.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimACK2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimACK3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimACK4.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor31.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs01.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs01.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSEL.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSEL2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSEL3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSEL5.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSEL6.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor17.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor63.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor18.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs16.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs17.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs18.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs16.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs17.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs18.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT4.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT5.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT6.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimATT7.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor10.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor45.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor08.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs06.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs07.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs08.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs06.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs07.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs08.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimRED.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimYEL.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimGRN.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSTP.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSTP2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimSTP3.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor21.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs21.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs21.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE4.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE5.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimMVE6.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor11.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor12.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor13.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs11.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs12.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs13.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs11.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs12.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs13.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimREP.wav"
Sound <romulan> "scimREP2.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor26.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofbs26.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokbs26.wav"
# Sound <romulan> "simclkb.wav"
8. Have fun with the Reman Warbird Scimitar
I hope you enjoy this addition to ST Armada. Have fun.
9. Contact Info
Since I am new to the modding scene, feel free to drop me a line and let
me know what you thought of the addon.
10. Uninstall Info
Reverse the steps above to remove this ship.
11. Legal
This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material
is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you
(the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no
responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game or hardware.
Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Version | for A1 | Author | Pepperman | Website | |
Downloads | 1,647 | Size | 2.15 MB | Created | 2008-06-16 |