Advanced Romulan Construction Ship for A1 Advanced Romulan Construction Ship for A1

(0 votes)
Pepperman, 2008-06-15

This one comes with the advanced Romulan conship seen in the screencap below, but also a "Tal Shi'ar" shipyard. Note that this is for A1, not A2, but would probably play equally well in each (as it is a SFC port).

Worth a download.


* Model Credits:
* Advanced Romualn Construction Ship v.1.0
* - Game: Star Trek Armada
* - Mesh Developer: Taldren, Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Texture Developer: Taldren, Activision, Mad Doc Software
* and Atrahsis' Warbird Textures which were orginally applied
* by Klingon Fanatic
* - Additiional modifications by Pepperman
- Note: This is a conversion from SFC
* Tal Shiar Advacned Shipyard
* - Mesh Developer: Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Texture Developer: Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Additiional modifications to texture by Pepperman
* Wireframe, Build Buttons and Object Definition Files (ODFs):
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Pepperman
* Other textures:
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Romulan disruptor textures by Rake
* Homepage:
* Contact:
* Audio Files:
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* Special Thanks to Armada Fleet Command (AFC)


The advanced Romulan construction ship has been designed to build all
of the Star Empire's most advanced facilities. Equipped with the standard
Romulan cloaking device, the advanced construction ship can travel to nearby
quadrants undetected and establish a Romulan foothold within that sector.
Unlike the standard construction vessel, the advanced model comes armed
with disruptor cannons, and multiple targeting myotron inhibitor torpedoes
in order to defend itself during its highly sensitive missions.

One of the advanced facilities that can be constructed is the Tal Shiar
advanced shipyard. The Tal Shiar advanced shipyard serves as a focal point
for the Tal Shiar's shipbuilding endeavors. The advanced shipyard can build
the Shadow, D'deridex, and the Scimitar class vessels (assuming that you have
downloaded my Scimitar mod). Because of the clandestine methods used to
acquire the shipyard's blueprints from the Dominion, the Tal Shiar have
classified its very existence as TOP SECRET.

Setup Instructions:
1. Download file

Download file, virus check and extract files to a known location other than
the Armada directory

2. Copy files

Copy the *.SOD to your Armada SOD Directory
Copy the *.odf to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.wav to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.tga to your Armada Textures/Rgb Directory

3. Mod the ship files and make it buildable by the Romulan starbase

Open the Romulan Starbase odf file (e.g., rbase.odf) and insert a new builditem
under the construction parameters:

// Construction Parameters
buildItemX = "rconst2"

Where X is the next available number in the sequence.

4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files

Open an appropriate techtree file (e.g., is for standard tech mode)
and add the following lines. Notice that you cannot build the advanced
construction vessel unless you have previously constructed the standard
Romulan Starbase and advanced shipyard.

rconst2.odf 2 rbase.odf ryard2.odf
ryard3.odf 2 rbase.odf ryard2.odf

5. Mod the Gui_global.spr to add build buttons and wireframes

Open the gui_global.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites

Add the following buttons under the # Romulan build buttons header:


# Build button for the Advanced Romulan Construction Ship
b_rconst2 gbrconst2 0 0 64 64

# Build button for the Tal Shiar Advanced Shipyard
b_ryard3 gbryard3 0 0 64 64

Now add the wireframe references under the follwing header:

# Building Wireframes

# Wireframe for the Advanced Romulan Construction Ship
rconst2w1 RWrconst2 40 0 40 40
rconst2w2 RWrconst2 0 40 40 40
rconst2w3 RWrconst2 40 40 40 40
rconst2w4 RWrconst2 80 0 40 40
rconst2w5 RWrconst2 0 0 40 40

# Wireframe for the Tal Shiar Advanced Shipyard
ryard3w1 jwyard 40 0 40 40
ryard3w2 jwyard 0 40 40 40
ryard3w3 jwyard 40 40 40 40
ryard3w4 jwyard 80 0 40 40
ryard3w5 jwyard 0 0 40 40

6. Mod the weapon.spr to add weapon references

Open the weapon.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites

Add the following lines under the respective headers:


# Advanced Construction Ship (Romulan) Disruptor Cannon
rfdispt rfdispt 0 0 235 80

7. Mod the events.odf to add sound references

# Advanced Construction ship SOUNDS

Sound <borg> "gvobor34.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor05.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor32.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc01.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc02.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc03.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc01.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc02.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc03.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc90.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc91.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc92.wav"

Sound <borg> "gvobor17.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor61.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor18.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc16.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc17.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc18.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc16.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc17.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc18.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc96.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc97.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc98.wav"

Sound <borg> "gvobor22.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc21.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc21.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc99.wav"

Sound <borg> "gvobor11.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor12.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor13.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor14.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc11.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc12.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc13.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc11.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc12.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc13.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc93.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc94.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc95.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor34.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor05.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor32.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc01.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc02.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc01.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc02.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc03.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc90.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc91.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc92.wav"

Sound <borg> "gvobor26.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofcc26.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokcc26.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorcc89.wav"



8. Have fun with the Advanced Romualn Construction Ship!

I hope you enjoy this addition to ST Armada. Have fun.

9. Contact Info

Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you thought of the addon.

10. Uninstall Info

Reverse the steps above to remove this ship.

11. Legal

This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material
is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you
(the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no
responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

Version  for A1  Author  Pepperman  Website   
Downloads  886  Size  1.55 MB  Created  2008-06-15 



#1 adm_tyler 2008-06-16 03:33
Nice, but after playing Fleet Ops I'm more familiar with this as a Mining Freighter.
#2 startrekie 2008-06-24 10:38
Pepperman keep it up. I would like to see more A1 ships in the future, more fed, borg, and klingon, if you could. I'm trying to compile a little mod for me and a few of my friends that will balance A1 and make it more canon/ Love your ships :thumbsup:

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