High Guard Mod High Guard Mod

(26 votes)
Chris Edmund, 2004-05-19

This mod turns the Federation into the High Guard (kinda cool). Ship names range form: Andromada Accendant to Pax Magelanic.

Made by: WRATH

Remake by: Chris Edmund

Version    Author  Chris Edmund  Website   
Downloads  3,257  Size  2.57 MB  Created  2004-05-19 



#11 General_BlackDragon 2004-12-20 04:45
hi, i love andromeda mods, i hope this one rules!
#12 Negvar 2005-08-09 09:53
I downloaded and played this a while ago and it suxs. The nova bomb dont work and some of the ships have infinite sheilds and cant be destroyed.
#13 Stfcbc 2005-11-13 12:44
yea but one can also say that battles are toooooooo short so even if, anyway u can still edit the shieds, not hard like :thumbsup: Rock

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