Dominion Carrier for Armada 1 Dominion Carrier for Armada 1

(1 vote)
Weyoun782, 2008-12-05

This is a conversion of the Dominion Carrier by Wrath of Achilles, to A1, by Pepperman and Weyoun.

A little something new comes along every now and then for our Armada gamers, and usually it's awesome stuff. This is no exception.

Worth a download if you still play A1.


Thank to Wrath of Achilles for making the dominion carrier, and giving me permission to convert it.
Thanks to pepperman for actually converting it to armada 1. All I did was make the build buttons, wireframes,
and wrote the odf.

to intall:
1. place odfs, sods, tgas, into the appropriate folders.
2. Put in the tech1 tree: dcarrier.odf 0, and add to which race's shipyard you want. builditem4 = "dcarrier"
3. go to the sprites folder, open gui_global and add the following lines

At reference 64:

b_dcarrier gbdcarrier 0 0 64 64

and @ ship wireframes
@reference 128

dcarrierw1 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw2 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw3 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw4 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw5 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256

any questions: e-mail me @

Version    Author  Weyoun782  Website   
Downloads  704  Size  720.10 KB  Created  2008-12-05 



#11 pepperman 2008-12-06 19:07
I have resent the texture files to weyoun782. I suspect one of these might have gotten corrupted in the rar process. Hopefully, he can get it resolved soon.
#12 weyoun782 2008-12-06 20:14
I sent it in already, just waiting for armada2files to post the new file

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