Dominion carrier Dominion carrier

(0 votes)
Weyoun782, 2008-12-07

Upgraded textures always mean a better looking game object. This is undeniably true, whether it's a ship, a station, a weapon.... pretty much anything but a planet. Armada planets ALWAYS look horrid unless they're from Midnight Universe. But in this case, the original textures of the Dominion carrier by Wrath of Achilles, done for A2, were modified to convert the model to A1. Now the textures on this ship are closer to the original's awesomeness, and this ship is definitely worth a look. Good work, Weyoun.


Thank to Wrath of Achilles for making the dominion carrier, and giving me permission to convert it.
Thanks to pepperman for actually converting it to armada 1. All I did was make the build buttons, wireframes,
and wrote the odf.

to intall:
1. place odfs, sods, tgas, into the appropriate folders.
2. Put in the tech1 tree: dcarrier.odf 0, and add to which race's shipyard you want. builditem4 = "dcarrier"
3. go to the sprites folder, open gui_global and add the following lines

At reference 64:

b_dcarrier gbdcarrier 0 0 64 64

and @ ship wireframes
@reference 128

dcarrierw1 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw2 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw3 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw4 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256
dcarrierw5 dccwireframe 0 0 256 256

any questions: e-mail me @

Version  2.0  Author  Weyoun782  Website   
Downloads  976  Size  1.41 MB  Created  2008-12-07 



#1 Firewarrior1705 2008-12-07 11:17
does this works for a2 as well? :D
#2 frostmourn4 2008-12-07 13:02
This was converted from an A2 mod. Look for the A2 version in the download section.
#3 Firewarrior1705 2008-12-10 10:28
can we get a hardpoint map? one of the phasers is firing from the wrong port
#4 weyoun782 2008-12-11 08:24
look it up on storm 3d, it's really quite easy, and I'm really not that advanced at modding. I put those phasers in those spots b/c that's where I thought they should be.
#5 Firewarrior1705 2008-12-11 09:39
can't you send me a hardpoint map via email? :D I'm affraid I don't have storm 3d
#6 Firewarrior1705 2008-12-11 09:45
I've downloaded it and I get a win32 exception when I wanna select an obj

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