This is a retexture mod for.... ARMADA 1! That's right, our first Armada 1 file! Anyways, It retextures the soveriegn class and others!
_______UCSCD for A1______
Hello, this is Holo Studios (Chris Edmund)
First things first, this my map and no one else�s
It is my first attempent
Just put the Textures file into
C:\program files\activation\Star Trek Armada II
When you get up close and personal with a sovereign class or the
Enterprise-E the section of hull you are looking at merges with normal space
You know what I�m going to say so I�ll not save you the speech
Activision is the propatery of Activision
Star Trek is copyrighted 1964-2003 to there respective owner
Holo Studios I own hands off, any products I make are mine,
Any unauthorised reproduction or Modification is disallowed with out
Permission of the owner (me)
If you try and put a modification of this file up on A2 it will be deleted!
That I promise you
If you wish to use this map in a modification email me at
( send the request to both addresses )
Ce1@fsmail.net and chris@edmund549@fsnet.co.uk
My emails addresses are
Ce1@fsmail.net and chris@edmund549@fsnet.co.uk
Version | 1.0 | Author | Chris Edmund | Website | |
Downloads | 2,536 | Size | 242.32 KB | Created | 2003-05-10 |