Prometheus Class Starship Prometheus Class Starship

(4 votes)
Pepperman, 2009-01-10
The Prometheus-class is a highly classified Federation starship designed for deep-space tactical assignments. It is one of the most advanced Starfleet vessels in operation. Although the Prometheus design included a multi-vector assault mode, which allowed the ship to split into three semi-independent sections that could each deliver massive force against an enemy target, this mod DOES NOT incorporate those features. The model's creator, Icewolf132, has made and released such a version for the A2 community.

Mod Title: Federation Prometheus Class Starship
Version: 1.0
Race: Federation
Game: Armada 1

Original Design: Paramount. The Prometheus class was designed by
Star Trek: Voyager senior illustrator Rick Sternbach and rendered
as a CGI model by Foundation Imaging.
Model: Icewolf132
Textures: Icewolf132

The Prometheus-class is a highly classified Federation starship
designed for deep-space tactical assignments. It is one of the
most advanced Starfleet vessels in operation. Although the
Prometheus design included a multi-vector assault mode, which
allowed the ship to split into three semi-independent sections
that could each deliver massive force against an enemy target,
this mod DOES NOT incorporate those features. The model's creator,
Icewolf132, has made and released such a version for the A2

1. Download file. Download file, virus check and extract files
to a known location other than the Armada directory.

2. Copy files.

Copy the *.SOD to your Armada SOD Directory
Copy the *.odf to your Armada Addon Directory
Copy the *.tga to your Armada Textures/Rgb Directory (see note)

Note: The user of this mod needs to decide whether he/she wants to
use the high end or low end textures with this mod. In the event you
are running a low end machine, please use the lower resolution textures
instead. These included textures can be found in the titled Lower
Resolution Textures. Please copy only one set of textures over to the
Armada Textures/Rgb Directory.

3. Make it buildable by a shipyard. Open a shipyard object definition file (odf) (e.g., fyard2.odf) and insert a new builditem under the construction parameters:

// Construction Parameters
buildItemX = "fprom"

where X represents the next number in the sequence. Save the file into the Armada Addon Directory and exit.

4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files. Open an appropriate techtree file
(e.g., is for standard tech mode) and add the following lines:

fprom.odf 0

Save the file into the Armada Addon Directory and exit.

5. Add build buttons and wireframes. Open the gui_global.spr file located in the Star Trek - ArmadaSprites folder. Add the following lines under the # Federation build buttons header:

b_fprom gbfprom 0 0 64 64

Next add the following lines under the Federation section of the # Ship
Wireframes heading.

fpromw1 fwprom 40 0 40 40
fpromw2 fwprom 0 40 40 40
fpromw3 fwprom 40 40 40 40
fpromw4 fwprom 80 0 40 40
fpromw5 fwprom 0 0 40 40

Save the file and exit.

6. Add weapon references (weapon.spr). No modifications are required.

7. Add captain sound references (events.odf). No modifications are

8. Have fun with the Prometheus Class Starship.

9. Contact Info. In the event you need to contact me, I can be reached at

10. Uninstall Info. To uninstall this mod, manually reverse the previous steps.

11. Legal.

This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software.
This material is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes!
By installing this addon, you (the user) agree to and assume all risks
of said addon. As a result, I take no responsibility for any damages
that may occur to your game or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures.
Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right
reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of
their respective owners.

Version  A1 1.0  Author  Pepperman  Website   
Downloads  1,894  Size  2.08 MB  Created  2009-01-10 



#1 FallenGraces 2009-01-10 21:49
my god man!!!!!!! you rock its been for ever that ive seen someone release an A! and A2 ship. I love you awsome model and textures! You ROCK (i cant repeat myself enough)

*regains what little sanity i had to begin with*

Would you mind if i used this in an A1 mod im working on? Proper credits and respect will be paid

Either answer would be appreciated


*slinks into the shadows of the community to try to rebuild my little rep. in the community after this episode*
#2 pepperman 2009-01-11 13:54
all of the praise for the model and textures go to icewolf132 as he is there creator. i merely coverted it over to A1
#3 FallenGraces 2009-01-18 21:07
fine to both of you reading my comment above scares me :cry: anyway nice work
#4 knightblazer85 2009-10-22 18:22
i downloaded this ship and checked out the weapons

not to complain but will 3 weapons be enough?

i havent added the ship yet so i dunno what kind of firepower i'm dealing with so the question is

what is the multi targeting phaser? does it target more than one ship or something?
#5 Prometheus9594 2010-05-16 23:26
im guessing thats most likely part of or probbly related to the Multi Vector Assult Mode

since each half of the ship has its own set of weapons so yea when u go to use the multi vector assult mode i belive to my knowlage it will work but u will notice that the screen just freezes n then unfreezes after seperation.

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