Star Ocean Weapon Textures
Always nice to have an upgrade, eh? Well, this upgrade should prove to be something of a cool one with 3 new weapon textures for ships of the Vendeeni navy and the Pangalactic Federation. Of course, they're nice anyhow, but they'll fit right in with the universe. Anyhow, if you found your ships not using weapons that seemed quite right for the race (Vendeeni ships needing to fire pink disruptors, precisely) then you'll want this.
You can find the main mod and battleship by clicking on those blue links.
/-*-Star Ocean Weapons Upgrade/-*-
Thought I'd go ahead and release the new weapon textures for the Star Ocean Project. Better than what was in it to start with. This is also an update to the torpedo texture on the Pangalactic Federation Battleship released not so long ago.
1. Copy and paste pfphoton1.tga, vphot.tga, and pfpulse1.tga into your Textures/RGB folder.
(Note: If you are simply ugrading for the PF Battlship you're done. If you're upgrading the Armada 1 mod there are a few additional steps.)
2. Open your sprites folder and locate the weapons.spr file. Open it and locate your klingon pulse phaser:
After it is the texture file and its dimensions. Replace them with this
pfpulse1 0 0 128 32
No locate your Romulan pulse phaser:
rpphaser wpulse 0 64 128 32
And replace the wpulse etc with this
pfpulse1 0 32 128 32
Finally locate the romulan photon torpedo:
rphoton rphoton 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
and replace the rphoton etc with this:
vphot 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
*-*/Credits and Legal Stuff*-*/
All weapons textures were created by Me, Adam_Atlantian. Feel free to use them in your mods as long as credit is given. I dont need you to ask permission, but I'd be more than happy to hear that my work is being used elswhere :)
Star Ocean is a Product of Square-Enix, a very lovely company that makes a number of brilliant RPGs. Final Fantasy is their best known, of course.
Any problmes or concerns you may email me at:
Or private message me on filefront. Enjoy the new textures :)
Version | Author | Adam_Atlantian | Website | ||
Downloads | 881 | Size | 21.67 KB | Created | 2007-09-02 |