Year of Fire - Trailer II Year of Fire - Trailer II

(6 votes)
iOSYS, 2007-08-12

Those who know me know I like custom designs and made up universe's; I like the imagination involved and the inspiration in it to expand...but this is just something so far ahead of that idea it's unbelieveable. Not quite the mod itself (although, to be expected very soon) this awesome trailer shows ships. Lots of ships. And weapons. LOTS of weapons. Mix the two and you have some stunning fleet on fleet combat and a CGI shot tagged onto the end which will leave you breathless and I hope, a teaser of an opening video as the talent is without doubt there.

This trailer gives nothing away, at all. Just gives you a glance at the stunning designs, nice visual exploding effects and the plentiful weapons. There is nothing about this that will leave you bored. Even if you don't have Armada 1, this is just special to watch because of the battle sequences involved. Those who have Armada 1 and have not been entirely enticed by this, prepare to change your mind. In the end, it's a shame this is only 3 minutes long.


The Forest Cluster: Year of Fire 2007 Trailer II, Enjoy

Mod expected before the end of summer 2007

2007 iOSYS Entertainment - Alex Catamo

All models and art in the trailer are designed and created by Alex Catamo
Star Trek: Armada By Activision/Paramount

Version    Author  iOSYS  Website   
Downloads  1,584  Size  31.83 MB  Created  2007-08-12 



#1 angryandorian 2007-08-12 08:23
Yeah, an update!
#2 Majest 2007-08-13 01:03
A very good video, I loved the CGI animations at the end. I have been trying to get into that myself lately.
#3 IKS_Yo_Mama 2007-08-14 15:46
Just a bit of useless info but this is file number 2300.. it's a milestone, well a small milestone ;-)
#4 Minstrel_in_the_Gallery 2007-08-17 11:45
VERY cool. For some reason, it reminds me a lot of Homeworld. EIther way, this mod is right at the top of my list for downloading when it's released.
#5 Chiletrek 2007-08-20 12:20
Mine too :D


I cannot be tired to watch this trailer, but cannot say anymore since the Description is better that what can I say about this :-) , but I must add that the music in the video is awesome, how can I get it?

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