Year of Fire Trailer 2006 Year of Fire Trailer 2006

(2 votes)
iOSYS, 2006-09-30

This is a trailer for an Armada 1 modification named "Year of Fire" - scheduled for release in 2007.

The music for the trailer adds to it very nicely and this trailer shows off the total conversion nicely. Well worth looking at, something for Armada 1 players to look forward too!

Version    Author  iOSYS  Website   
Downloads  1,181  Size  24.43 MB  Created  2006-09-30 



#1 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-09-30 13:00
Yes!! We have Future Tense and Millenium Project (1.9 SE) NOW THIS!!! Armada1 is making a revival!! The news keeps getting better
#2 Chiletrek 2006-09-30 18:06

This really has a ten from me, not only the video is well done, the sequences are splendid and the music is stunning, but it makes me really looking forward to download this mod, and to fall in love with Armada1 again.

I hope we can have a second trailer soon because there is still a long time before we get to the year 2007 :P .

#3 angryandorian 2006-10-16 08:25
Excuse me while I pick my jaw from the floor this mod looks so sweet. And that song you choose for the trailer, its splendid.
#4 F_Bobby 2006-11-01 18:16
that movie was absolutely badass. i wish taht the game designers did that kinda movie when tryingto hype games up, instead of the crappy 3 seonc d shots of engagements and then 10 seoncds throing big words at you on screen lol.

well done
#5 iOSYS 2006-11-09 02:25
I know what you mean! If you're going to try to tempt me with a trailer, I should frakkin feal like I'm playing it... Not just present things I've already read in scrolling text :P

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