ODF Editor
Spectre has revised his ODF editor, so now you can edit and create odfs in a breeze

ODF Editor 2.0
About ODF Editor.
Seeing people have many problems with creating ODF files, I decided to make this program so they wouldn�t have a large difficulty with the files in future. Now I am learning Visual Basic at college this helps, because now with these skills I can make useful programs for the Armada II Community to use.
ODF Editor Features.
The program has a user-friendly interface. The program uses menus like seen other software to easily navigate around the program.
Menu Explanation:
File New � Opens a blank document.
Open � Opens a previous document.
Save As � Saves the current document.
Exit � Closes the program down.
Edit Cut � Cuts the selected text onto the clipboard
Copy � Copies selected text onto the clipboard
Paste � Pastes selected text from the clipboard
Select All � Selects all the text in the document
View Hardpoint Viewer � Opens the Hardpoint Viewer
Insert Include Line � Inserts the ODF Include line
Item Separator � Inserts the ODF Separator line
// - Inserts to right-slashes
# - Inserts a hash sign
Program Extras Open and Example ODF � Opens an already created ODF Document
Open a published ODF � Opens a standard ship odf file.
Help About ODF Editor 2.0 � Explains the programs purpose and coders
Coders: Spectre
The Great One
ICQ: 79146921
Version | 2.0 | Author | Spectre | Website | |
Downloads | 8,715 | Size | 225.02 KB | Created | 2002-10-18 |
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.
What am I doing wrong? Can anybody help?