Armada I + II Map Editor Launcher
Here is the author's description:
This program lets you open Armada .BZN Files with the Mapeditor via double klick. It now opens Armada 1 and Armada 2 Files. (you have to install A1 and/or A2 Mapeditor first). The Program automaticly detects which Armada Version it used to open that .BZN File.
Here's some instruction on how to use it:
You start the .EXE itself by double-clicking on it. A Dialog will inform you that you have no Map select and Ask you if you want to create a new Map. If you chose no the Program ends; if you say yes you will be asked for the Map Name. You will haveto enter the Full Name include the .bzn extension then the Program will start the Armada Version which is in the same Dir as the bzn.exe in editor Mode and creates a new Map.
Sounds pretty cool . This will make map making a little bet easier.
NOTE: You MUST have the Armada/Armada2 map editor installed or this won't work!
Armada 2 Maplauncher V 2.1 (2.Jun.2003) Readme : V 2.1 (3.Jun.2003)
made by Gleacer aka Splatter aka Stephan Nix
Email :
Beta Tester : JkerPlay
Beta Tester : Phoenix the Scout
As a part of the License Agreement between ME (Splatter aka the Mod Maker) and Activision they like me to Inform you the following things:
In no way you can Sell, rent or make in any other Way Money with this Programm.
you may upload this File to your Server and give it for public Download freely aslong you host the unchanged Zip.
Files :
BZN.Exe Main PRG
BZN.PRF Profan² Scoure Code
BZN.PRC Profan² Scoure Code
BZN.TXT This File
This PRG works on my PC thats all I can garantie and therefore I made it !
Read the Line above and Understand it ! I´m in no way responsable for any Damge this PRG Does or the Damage you do with this PRG.
This PRG Let you open Armada BZN Files with the Mapeditor via double klick. It now opens Armada 1 and Armada 2 Files. (you haveto install A1 and/or A2 Mapeditor first). The Prg automatic detect wich Armada Version it used to open that BZN File.
To start Simple copy BZN Exe to you Armada 2 or Armada 1 Dir (you only need to copy it to one of them it will work for all installed Armada 1 and 2 Versions). open Bzn Floder double klick on a BZN File chose open with and then others and search for the BZN Exe and select it. If you now double klick on a BZN File in the Armada 2/BZN or in Armada 1/BZN or even in Armada 1/addon Dir it opens atomaticly in Editor Mode.
If you start the Exe itself by doubleklick on it. A Dialog inform you that you have no Map select and Ask you if you want to create a new Map. If you chose no the Prg ends if you say yes you will be asked for the Map Name. You will haveto enter the Full Name include the .bzn extension then the Prg will start the Armada Version wich is in the same Dir as the bzn.exe in editor Mode and creates a new Map.
If you don´t agree with any of above Terms you haveto delete all Files wich comes with this ZIP
3. Jun 2003 Gleacer
This Programm was made with Profan² 5.0 a great German Language Check out www.Profan².de Version 5.0 is Freeware and 7.X is vor sale.
History :
Version 2.1
Added "New Map Feature" if you start the Exe by doubleklick a Dialog will appear
Version 2.0
Edit some Stuff in the Readme
added full Armada 1 suport
Armada1 BZN Map Files will open in the Armada 2 Mapeditor if map is installed in Armada/BZN
Armada1 BZN Map Files will open in the Armada 2 Mapeditor if map is installed in Armada/addon
PRG autodetect Armada.exe Version in the Floder before the BZN File (if BZN File is placed in BZN or Addon) and use the right Exe
Version 1.0
Armada2 BZN Map Files will open in the Armada 2 Mapeditor if map is installed in Armada2/BZN
Version | Author | Gleacer | Website | ||
Downloads | 5,552 | Size | 108.91 KB | Created | 2003-06-06 |
Ok, you know what this is? Spam. This has nothing what-so-ever about the the file. If you want to complain about something, e-mail me personally. Do this again and you will face the consequences.
Also, I didn't "steal" this from anyone. I got the idea from BCFiles and made the picture myself, so buzz of. Besides, I can do what I very well want to. ~ FireFly
Anyway, where was this mod when I needed it?!