(21 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2006-10-21

Before you wonder what the hell is wrong with the name, it's quite a long one...
"This is the Transparent Textures, LightMaps, 3D Borg Textures & Joint Rotation Tutorial."
Hopefully that'll make more sense now!

Anyhow, it's always good to get a tutorial as it invariably bolsters modding by other people which I think is great. Granted, I cannot do any of this stuff, this will be ideal for people wanting to add a bit more of that "kick" to their mods. The tutorial itself though is detailed and comes with plenty of pictures to show you where to go as well as having easy-to-understand language for the un-initiated. As can be seen on FahreS' mods though, adding in these features can add quite a bit to mods and I'm all for the knowledge being shared. So, for those of you wanting to add a bit more, just thumb through this and see what more you can do than before looking at it!

This is the Transparent Textures, LightMaps, 3D Borg Textures & Joint Rotation Tutorial.

simply start the .exe file to install the tutorial and follow its instructions :)

FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER

Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website   
Downloads  785  Size  1.08 MB  Created  2006-10-21 



#1 IKS_Yo_Mama 2006-10-21 15:27
Nice to get some pointers. thanks
#2 Return_of_Elrond 2006-10-21 16:43
This is teh r0x0rz (aka it rocks!)

Nice addition to tutorials!Rock
#3 Lord_Trekie 2006-10-22 17:33
Fahres you just saved me the trouble of having to limit the number of weapons on ships in my mod, now the Ent-E will have 16 Phasers and 10 Torp launchers.
#4 FahreS 2006-10-23 13:40
thanks guys for the positive responses.

and a great name for the file ^^

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