No Intro Animations No Intro Animations

(8 votes)
kel333, 2005-11-19

This is a tutorial that will allow you to disable the intro animation in Armada II, an option that should have been available in the game really. Don't forget to back up your files!
Version    Author  kel333  Website   
Downloads  1,197  Size  104.12 KB  Created  2005-11-19 



#1 MajorPayne 2005-11-21 23:54
Not very useful in the least. Would have been far better to have made a tutorial which allows creation of new animations, to replace the original ones.
#2 kel333 2005-11-22 01:27
Thanks for your comment, Major. And you're right... it's not very useful, but I haven't learned to make animations, yet.

It's just that (since I started modding) I've run the game a few thousand times... after the first few hundred, I got tired of dealing with them. After experimenting, I found this solution. Now, when I execute the game, it goes straight to the start up screen. Neat :-) .
#3 paulhanselluk 2005-11-22 11:39
before you can do that you need a good wav converter (trust me).
#4 MajorPayne 2005-12-05 23:50
Actually. I take back my previous comment. This has given me an idea.......(not that I'm much good with the Bink editor)
#5 kel333 2005-12-06 01:04
What do they say inspiration is part of? Sweat? Go for it, Major! Rock
#6 USS_Mouse 2006-01-27 15:49
For a long time I have notised how annoying the begining animations can be. nice work :thumbsup:
#7 painter 2006-02-06 09:55
Well nice mod but I've just deleted the animations, the game makes to weird flashs at the beginning and runs normal afterwards, that easy.

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