Map Background Tutorial Map Background Tutorial

(16 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2006-09-19

I had a quick look at this before and it does look pretty decent. Using text and diagrams, where necessary, it gives a concise and logical system of steps of how to create the net used in backgrounds for Armada II. All in all, a handy feature. I can see it being very handy and it did look pretty easy to follow. Just open the .exe and away you go!

This is the Map Background Mini-Tutorial.

simply start the .exe file to install the tutorial and follow its instructions :)

Have fun with creating new map-backgrounds. I look forward to see them online!

FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER

Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website   
Downloads  1,311  Size  2.32 MB  Created  2006-09-19 



#1 Datarock 2006-09-19 15:10
I said it on the forum, and ill say it now, This is brilliant especially that background with it 8) , Great Work FahreS :D
#2 FahreS 2006-09-20 03:11
thanks :D

i released it for people who want to use it offline and coz i dont want to have it online for ever.
#3 wraith_shadow 2006-10-21 19:41
But why a .exe? Would it not just be easier tp include the .html file?
#4 FahreS 2006-10-23 13:44
@3 because this file needs folders and i found out that some zip programs ignore folders.
#5 Icewolf132 2007-12-29 06:30
Kick-arse, that's all that can really describe how good this tutorial is. I strongly recommend this tutorial, and for FahreS to continue making tutorials, you do an awesome job Rock.

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