INH's Lightmap Tutorial for GIMP INH's Lightmap Tutorial for GIMP

(1 vote)
insert_name_here, 2009-04-06

I use the graphics software GIMP, and I've toiled for some time trying to find out how to make lighmaps in it, as all other tutorials don't work on the program. I didn't want other people to waste time on the same problem, so I made this (rather basic) tutorial for you all

- insert_name_heer


This is a tutorial for those of you with the image edition software GIMP. Its a nice graphics editor, and it's free. You may notice however, that there are no tutorials for lighmaping in GIMP. Now there is :)

Version  1.0  Author  insert_name_here  Website   
Downloads  901  Size  874.63 KB  Created  2009-04-06 



#1 Pro_X 2009-04-06 09:07
hay i use it to!!!
#2 insert_name_heer 2009-04-06 14:52
im not the only one :D
#3 EAS_Intrepid 2009-04-11 06:31
Thank you very much for this, I was looking for a tutorial to produce lightmaps with GIMP for quite some time :D
#4 kel333 2009-04-16 12:31
Excellent tut, my friend. The Gimp is nice and free, and now I can make lightmaps! Thank you.Rock
#5 insert_name_heer 2009-04-17 13:49
Glad i could help ;-)

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