Build Button, Wireframe and Admirals Pic Tutorial Build Button, Wireframe and Admirals Pic Tutorial

(80 votes)
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER, 2006-04-12

Well, I would give details for those who need it, but for those who have come to trust me:

Anyhow, for those of you who want convincing, this thoroughly detailed and concise guide shows you how to easily produce the three interface features: build buttons, wireframes and then the admirals pics. Whilst possibly easy for the more knowledgeable modders, this is a sure way to get those who want help in this area, or perhaps to brush up on what they already know, to get complete ship mods. Definitely worthy of the download, it comes in an installer, which be forewarned, is in german however the rest isn't and the installer isn't actually that complicated.

You'll need to use your internet broswer quite a bit for this (I recommend you set up multiple windows) and have paint open so you can look at the many refernce pics. All in all, a great help for the community, nicely put together and generally of high quality, well done!

Just extract the Tutorial with the auto-installer made by WinRar (dubble cklicking the *.exe)
and then open the file "WBS_Tutorial_Start_Page.htm" with an internet browser and follow the instructions.

Note: Your browser must be able to show frames.
If The page looks like the screenshot, your browser can show frames.

Now h4v3 fvn

Version    Author  FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER  Website   
Downloads  2,315  Size  1.19 MB  Created  2006-04-12 



#1 FahreS 2006-04-13 05:25
Thanks for uploading the file such fast.

If you see any mistakes please contact me
#2 Captain_Kirk76 2006-04-13 06:47
Awesome bit of help there, nice work ;-)
#3 dinosaurJR 2006-04-14 16:16
Yep, i agree with the good captian, very handy piece of work here. Definately helped me some, sehr gut, sehr gut indeed! Danke Schoen, FahreS

#4 FahreS 2006-04-16 13:40
lol thx, very nice comment :D
#5 zatchbell1 2006-08-02 13:36
what version of photoshop are you using
#6 FahreS 2006-08-10 04:07
I use elements 2

But you can do these things with the most programs.

The tutorial shows you my way and hopefully makes you understanding these pictures better.
#7 FahreS 2006-10-04 13:43
if the link to the TXD Worshop doesnt work, but you need it, search it in the internet or try this link:
#8 SciFiFan 2009-03-11 07:48
I am nearly complete with my first mod, however, I was having problems with my wire frame. I made some changes to the wire frame and then applied the 1.1 patch and now the build button (which was fine before the patch) and the wire frame are not visible. The button is there and I can build my ship, its just an invisible button and wire frame. What do I need to do?
#9 Mordakar 2009-12-11 11:48
TXD won't work for me. Admittedly I don't have a clue how to use it, but in this tutorial you say to save your image as a .bmp before importing into TXD workshop. Unfortunately, I get a "stream read error" when I try to import the image. This thing simply doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with .bmp's at all. Any suggestions?

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