A2 MS Vista Guide book A2 MS Vista Guide book

(4 votes)
Weldon, 2008-12-23

Here is a guide written by Weldon, which should help you to fix common issues with Armada 2 on Vista. You can also apply the included tips on any other game. Smile

- TParis

a simple help me pdf doc . All this does is help those having vista issues get around them the best I know how.

Version  1.0  Author  Weldon  Website  Website external 
Downloads  2,544  Size  445.75 KB  Created  2008-12-23 



#1 Shadow651 2008-12-23 19:36
I am having problems with playing mutiplayer on vista. it logs into game spy just fine but when i try to make a new game it crashes? Why? i would like to see this and a few other vista problems added to this file.
#2 weldon 2008-12-24 09:19
Ok I will update this issue soon, until then make sure your network firewall has proper ports open for GSA == Game Spy Arcade. Then turn off Vista internal firewall / add exemption. Which eve is easier.
#3 TParis 2008-12-24 10:41
@2 That hasn't anything to do with the the ports this time, guess only thing will help ya out is the unofficial 1.2.5 patch from the FleetOps team.
#4 SwiperBorg 2009-04-08 05:24
I downloaded the guidebook and applied the compatibility fix (run as XP SP2). The game now plays on Vista 64-bit! Thanks for the info. I had forgotten about the "compatibility fix" option, so much appreciated.
#5 lhoffman 2010-06-24 12:20
Will this patch allow A2 to run on Windows 7 64-bit?

If not, is there one in the works?
#6 Limon36 2011-12-24 11:03
A1 only has 256 colors on win 7!

A2 only has 256 colors on win 7 at the start until you load up a game then there will be 32bit colors!

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