Category: Other

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ModelStarbase.png Terran Ship Pack

(21 votes)

For those of y'all who have been awaiting Terran ships.... here's a couple nice ones for you.

 R5D5 2010-01-03   3.09 MB 759 Comments: 7

ModelStarbase.png The Omega Effect

(3 votes)

This small mod attempts to create the real Omega Particle, which fails and creates a rip in space then forms into a wormhole.

 WarBorg 2009-06-09   323.29 KB 643 Comments: 4

ModelStarbase.png Unity Starbase

(4 votes)

This is the Unity starbase. The difference between this one and the other one is the ODF, and the author stated that he "got the textures to work," bu…

 Dragon Master 2004-09-06   2.66 MB 1,534 Comments: 13

ModelStarbase.png Unity Station

(8 votes)

This is the Unity Station seen in Starfleet Command 3. Excellent Job on this Atlantis

 Atlantis 2003-01-21   1.19 MB 1,904 Comments: 11

ModelStarbase.png Vulcan Research Institute

(5 votes)

This mod removes your Research Facility & Science Station and replaces them with the Vulcan Research Institute, which has all the research pods.

 Mislav 2005-03-31   18.24 KB 1,048 Comments: 2

ModelStarbase.png Zarland Base 1.0

(3 votes)

This is a Zarland base. It is a large stricture with a base structure of a circular pod surrounded by a large ring being heald in place by three protr…

 Sherman2 2004-10-10   176.50 KB 1,110 Comments: 7