Point Defence Turrets
A handy little modification that enables turrets to destroy torpedoes. - Not much use for the Torpedo Turrets unless they are having target practise

**Point Defence Turrets** by species_314159
These are phaser turrets that have had their weapons replaced with point defence phasers. There is one turret for each race.
**For an unmodded game:
Copy / paste all files into their corresponding Armada2 folders
copy / paste all folders into the Armada2 root directory (usually C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II)
Click yes to all file-overwrite popups.
**For a modded game:
1. Copy / paste all files in the bitmaps, odf\stations, odf\weapons and SOD folders to their corresponding Armada2 folders
2. Go to the Armada2 Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr . Find
# Federation build buttons
and under that,
Add the line
b_fpdturret gbfturret00 0 0 64 64
below @reference=64.
Do the same for the rest of the races (find the race's build buttons, put the relavent line below @reference=64):
b_kpdturret gbkturret00 0 0 64 64
b_cpdturret gbcturret 0 0 64 64
b_rpdturret gbrturret 0 0 64 64
b_bpdturret gbbturret 0 0 64 64
species 8472:
b_spdturret gb8472_Sentinel 0 0 64 64
3. Scroll down and find the wirframes section (begins with ## SPRITE DATA ##)
In the federation wireframes section, add the lines
fpdturretw1 fedwireframe06 0 48 48 48
fpdturretw2 fedwireframe06 48 48 48 48
fpdturretw3 fedwireframe06 96 48 48 48
fpdturretw4 fedwireframe06 144 48 48 48
fpdturretw5 fedwireframe06 192 48 48 48
Do the same for the rest of the races
bpdturretw1 borgwireframe05 0 48 48 48
bpdturretw2 borgwireframe05 48 48 48 48
bpdturretw3 borgwireframe05 96 48 48 48
bpdturretw4 borgwireframe05 144 48 48 48
bpdturretw5 borgwireframe05 192 48 48 48
kpdturretw1 klingwireframe05 0 144 48 48
kpdturretw2 klingwireframe05 48 144 48 48
kpdturretw3 klingwireframe05 96 144 48 48
kpdturretw4 klingwireframe05 144 144 48 48
kpdturretw5 klingwireframe05 192 144 48 48
rpdturretw1 romwireframe05 0 96 48 48
rpdturretw2 romwireframe05 48 96 48 48
rpdturretw3 romwireframe05 96 96 48 48
rpdturretw4 romwireframe05 144 96 48 48
rpdturretw5 romwireframe05 192 96 48 48
cpdturretw1 cardwireframe05 0 144 48 48
cpdturretw2 cardwireframe05 48 144 48 48
cpdturretw3 cardwireframe05 96 144 48 48
cpdturretw4 cardwireframe05 144 144 48 48
cpdturretw5 cardwireframe05 192 144 48 48
species 8472:
spdphasw1 8472wireframe04 0 0 48 48
spdphasw2 8472wireframe04 48 0 48 48
spdphasw3 8472wireframe04 96 0 48 48
spdphasw4 8472wireframe04 144 0 48 48
spdphasw5 8472wireframe04 192 0 48 48
4. Go to the Armada2 techtree folder and open the tech1.tt and fulltech.tt files. Add the lines
fpdturret.odf 0
bpdturret.odf 0
cpdturret.odf 0
kpdturret.odf 0
rpdturret.odf 0
spdturret.odf 0
to each of them.
5. Go to odf/ships and find fconst.odf. Add the following line to the end of the buildlist:
buildItemX = "fpdturret"
where X is the next number on the list. Do the same for the other construction ships and the species 8472 defender:
bconst.odf: buildItemX = "bpdturret"
cconst.odf: buildItemX = "cpdturret"
kconst.odf: buildItemX = "kpdturret"
rconst.odf: buildItemX = "rpdturret"
8472_defender.odf: buildItemX = "spdturret"
6. Save all files before closing them. If you get an error message, open the file's properies and uncheck Read-Only.
**Known Bugs**
None, except that the build button for a turret might not show up if it is buildItem14 or higher in the build list of the construction vessel. This is
problem with the game, not my mod.
Models and textures: Armada2
Odfs: species_314159
**Legal mumbo-jumbo**
THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION. Feel free to adjust the odfs to balance the game, change the sounds, etc. If you want to use this
mod in a mod of your own, please give me credit.
**Contact Info**
Please contact me with any questions/comments/bug reports at: species_314159 AT yahoo DOT com
Version | Author | species_314159 | Website | ||
Downloads | 975 | Size | 606.79 KB | Created | 2007-01-01 |
This is a very good mod, and very useful. You may (and must
Keep it up and welcome to armada2files!