Tractorable Turret
Nice small mod that will allow you to move your turret easily with the help of a construction ship!
- conceptfuture
Who said stations need to be 'completely' stationary, huh? Well, this is a very clever idea of giving engines to a station and then disabling them, that way you can get any ship with a tractor beam (most notably your assault and construction ships) and drag them to anywhere on your map, so if you build them in a strategically bad place, or they aren't needed in that area again, you can drag them to somewhere that is. Of course, you won't need defence in that progress, because the turrets are still powered, pretty neat huh?
Obviously, the game play can vary quite a bit now. It means you can easily focus your defence to points that need further defending, of course this does mean that the enemy can catch onto your plans and try and go around the turrets, so it's really quite a difficult manoeuvre to pull off successfully, still, it's a very good mod for such a small download and definitely recommendable.
- Joelteon7 (17/05/07)
This was quickly put together just for you.
All turrets including 8472 sentinel can be tractored.
One problem = no ghost image appears when choosing where to place the turret.
This was taken out of my Total Conversion mod that is still in development, so all the turrets are stronger with multiple weapons. (You can change it back if you want.)
I've also thrown in a bonus mod for ya - just removes the Paramount and the Mad Doc Software movie at the start.
To install - just copy everything into the main Armada 2 directory.
Hope ya like it -TGO
PS. I've thrown in the Readme for my Total Conversion mod (Called TGO's Readme) - feel free to throw that around as I'm trying to hype it up prior to its beta release. Let me know how it sounds. Thanks.
Version | Author | The Great One | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,178 | Size | 18.95 KB | Created | 2003-05-04 |
No, he's only skipping the intro movie. There's nothing wrong with doing that.
Just ask me or someone else if you don't know how.
you do this mo modifing the odf of the station you want (you can keep it in the stations folder if you want)
2 things you have to do:
1) change the "include 'turret.odf'" line at the top to "include 'battle.odf'"
2) where the
//These values are the hitpoint values of the systems
//If the value is set to zero the ship does not have that system
weapon*****Points = 333
is add:
//These values are the hitpoint values of the systems
//If the value is set to zero the ship does not have that system
weapon*****Points = 333
engine*****Points = 0
and you got yourself a tractorable station!
I did notice that the odfs for the stations were in the ships folder in the download. Is that a mistake or is that what it should be?