The Two Towers
Here are two new shipyards for the Federation.
The Two Towers by VT1032
The following install-instructions are for a2, the instructions for a1 are similiar, but you need to own odf-files for a1
1.Copy any .SOD files into the SOD directory.
2.Copy any .tga files into the Textures\RGB directory.
3.Copy any .tt files into the techtree directory.
4.Copy any .sps files into the sprites directory.
5.Copy anybase .odf into the odf\stations directory.
6.Copy anyship .odf into the odf\ships directory.
7.Copy any .bmp into bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages directory.
to install just copy all folders from this zip into your armada-directory..
to torre.sod and copy it into \sod directory..
to torreb.sod and copy it into \sod directory..
this file contains a buildbutton, some weapon-buttons and one wireframe as you need to edit
your of your \sprites -folder
search for the federation-buildbutton section and ad the followin line:
b_torre gbftorre 0 0 64 64
b_torreb gbtorreb 0 0 64 64
now search for:
# Wireframes
# ----------
# Ship Wireframes
and add following lines:
torrew1 fedwf26 128 128 128 128
torrebw1 fedwf29 0 0 128 128
now you have to open the from your \techtree - folder
and add these lines:
// ***[ FEDERATION SHIPS ]************************
fscout.odf 1 Torre.odf // scout (venture class)
fdestroy.odf 1 Torre.odf // destroyer (defiant class)
fdestroy2.odf 1 Torre.odf // destroyer (sabre class)
fcruise1.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear.odf // cruiser1 (akira class)
fcruise2.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear2.odf // cruiser2 (steamrunner class)
fcruise3.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear.odf // cruiser3 (intrepid class)
fintrepa.odf 0 // armor
fvoya.odf 0 // armor
fcolony.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear.odf // colony ship
fassault.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear2.odf // assault ship (iwo Jima class)
fdaunt.odf 2 Torre.odf fresear.odf // Dauntless
fnorway.odf 1 Torre.odf // Norway class
ffrigate.odf 1 Torreb.odf // frigate (andor class)
fgalaxy.odf 1 Torreb.odf // battleship (galaxy class)
fspecial.odf 2 Torreb.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class)
fbattle.odf 2 Torreb.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (sovereign class)
fincursion.odf 2 Torreb.odf fresear2.odf // Incursion Class
fambat.odf 2 Torreb.odf fresear2.odf // Ambassador Class
fprem.odf 2 Torreb.odf fupgrade.odf // Premonitiom Class
fchey.odf 1 Torre2.odf // Cheyenne (Cheyenne class)
fachilles.odf 2 Torre2.odf fjup.odf // Destroyer (achilles class)
enterplus.odf 1 Torre2.odf // New Enter Plus
// ***[ FEDERATION STATIONS ]*********************
Torre.odf 1 fbase.odf // Super torre
Torreb.odf 1 fbase.odf // Super torre
now U can open a Torre.odf, Torreb.odf and cange it !!! (depends on where you want it to be build)
and search for builditem-section
Original Sod VT1032
Armada-Conversion by VT1032 (kitt from the original Trade Tower)
Textures by 7of9
Odf by All guys of ST Armada files
Base Sod modified mesh of Federation Starbase from Fleet Operations
Textures Modified textures of Federation Starbase from Fleet Operations
Armada-Conversion Kitt by VT1032
Odf by All guys of ST Armada files
Special Thanks:
To DOCa Cola, Optec and Fleet Operations crew.... U can see more of they work at
Have some fun :-) play Armada2
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | Author | vt1032 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,802 | Size | 1.73 MB | Created | 2004-02-12 |
I was one of the first in ask for these starbase/yard when you released the Eagle Class. Thanks for releasing these mod and I already donwloaded and installed for my game.
Very good one!!, keep on the real good work!