"New Federation Base"
This is a basic edit of a federation base that was origonaly created by Achilles. Download if you want.
This mod was made by achilles, who gave me permission to edit and publish as my very first mod. (CHEERS!!)
the base was designed and made by achilles, who then let me edit it to alow the constuction of defiant and venture class ships. i think it allows for amore
relaxed base building, you know that you can defend your self against anything early on in the match because they can only ships when the shipyard is built.
i don't really mind what you do with it (in a way it's more achilles then mine) just ask us both (or just achilles, up to you) all i ask is that you mention us both,
achilles as the designer and maker and me as the aftermath editor.
copy the odf into odf\staions
copy the tech11.tt into the techtree folder
place .sod folder in the sod file (yawn)
place the .tga's in the texture rgb folder
Bread4311\Bread17 (first one, even if it was just an edit)
cheers again achilles
achilles's original readme.
"Kitbashed Fed Beta base by Wrath of Achilles
I got no support for you, I dont like feds though I know people wanted this thing.
I include a 3ds file, you have full permision to alter this mesh and texture set by me though
2 of them are modified activision material as is the mesh.
It's a direct replacement for the fbase, repair bay is animated etc.....
any problems I don't want to know ;)"
Version | Author | Bread4311 | Website | ||
Downloads | 3,118 | Size | 1.07 MB | Created | 2005-09-17 |
should say copy the tech1.tt into the techtree folder