Midas Array Midas Array

(7 votes)
Sherman2, 2004-10-30

Sherman2's rendition of the classic Midas Array from Star Trek: Voyager. It includes a buildable research pod that allows you to open a microwormhole. It includes a wireframe and buildbutton, along with a very angry ODF. The downside is the lack of alpha maps on the otherwise excellent model. I reccomend a download for anyone that likes Voyager.

Midas Array by Sherman2.
Yes thats right! somebody has finally made that pesky little midas array from Voyager.
it comes with a neat little pod and a micro Wormhole.
Cool Right?

place all files in there right place.
midas.odf 0
midaspod.odf 0
gmicroworm.odf 0

into tech1.tt and fulltech.tt
b_midas gbmidas 0 0 64 64
b_midaspod gbmidaspod 0 0 64 64
b_gmicroworm gbmastran00 0 0 64 64
midasw1 midaswire1 0 0 64 64
midasw2 midaswire1 0 0 64 64
midasw3 midaswire1 0 0 64 64
midasw4 midaswire1 0 0 64 64
midasw5 midaswire1 0 0 64 64

into gui_glodal.spr
buildItem# = "midas"
in a construction ship(replace # with number).

Thrid of Model: Admiral Riker
Textures:Admiral Riker

Version  1.0  Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  1,737  Size  607.85 KB  Created  2004-10-30 



#11 SHERMAN2 2004-11-02 05:56
Don't hurt me for dual posting!

the description implies that somebody was in the odf the reason thats there is because I was in a little bad mood and didn't want any one editing it.
#12 NYC_girl 2004-11-02 06:20
I won't do anything for dual posting.

(flicks throuugh a2files manual)

I don't even think there rules here for multiple posts until you reach ten posts.

Besdies I have bigger fish to fry than you Sherman2
#13 SHERMAN2 2004-11-02 06:21
well thank you.

How can I become part of a2files staff???
#14 Guest 2004-11-02 06:55
nice work o0n the midas array. great jorb. thumbs upo
#15 Wraith_166 2004-11-02 23:59
That's no Highlander, it's a Sovereign X! PS: nice rendition of the Midas Array! Ebert and Roeper give it 10/10! It would be nice if it had Alpha maps though. As it is, why don't you program a map with Voyager, and the Midas Array to reenact that Episode of Voyager?
#16 JamesPoole 2004-11-03 01:35
Forgive my bluntness but how do you install the midas array? It says to insert files into files and quite frankly im incompotent so could someone please elaborate.

#17 SHERMAN2 2004-11-04 05:54
take the folders and drop them it the main directory. the find the files you need to modify and modify them.

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