Heavy Torpedo Turret
This is a fix of the Torpedo Turret recently uploaded (and then deleted, as this fixes the bug in it).
This very heavily armed turret is capable of stopping on-coming fleets of ships as they try and enter your controlled space. With 6 torpedo launchers and some good defences, you're going to need to pack a whollop to take her down. Her textures are very clean along with the model itself and an animation allowing the turrets to actually rotate (a nice feature you'll find). The model itself is pretty flawless, so no complaints there.
The mod as a package is complete. This means a build button, wireframe, admirals pic etc. For that sake, I believe it is a worthy addition. The station itself is also balanced for play and whilst she is multi-targeting, it has longer reload times than the stock torpedo turret, costs more to build and drains resources. However, you're not likely to find better defence in turret terms, so for those who don't like to use precious ships defending their base, this one is for you.
-Heavy Torpedo Turret-
-Information about this MOD
-Installation instructions
You have NO permission to change the model and/or to release it.
Ask me for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact).
The Copyright of the 3D-Models, the textures, weapons and pictures and everything coming with this Mod-Pack is by me.
1. Non-stoping animation
2. Lightmaps
3. Rotated HardPoints
4. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic
5. adapted Torpedos
Information about this MOD:
This mod contains the heavy torpedo turret,
wich was made and also designed by me,
and everything else wich you need to install this ship.
The heavy torpedo turret is able to fire three heavy torpedos at two ships at the same time.
But it has a lower firing range than the stock turret,
needs more officers and has also a longer build time.
Its the ideal station to save your base, but you can not stop the enemys before they arrive.
More information you can find in the category: "Model-information".
Installation instructions
1. Copy the files:
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD"
INFORMATION: Ignore the file "fwadvtorb.odf" BUT rename the file "fwadvtorb_EN.odf" to "fwadvtorb.odf"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\Photons"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB"
in your Armada directory to "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages"
2. Choose a construction ship, wich should build this turret.
The Stock construction ship of the federation is fconst.odf. You can find it here:
"...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships"
-Open fconst.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or an other Programm like this.
Look for the text:
buildItem10 = "forbital"
buildItem11 = "ftrading"
buildItem12 = "fupgrade"
-Write under the text: buildItem13 = "fwadvtorb".
-Attention: If you have already an entry with buildItem13,
you have to choose an other construction ship because
construction ships can only build 14 stations.
-Save the file and close it.
3.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree".
Open the file "fulltech.tt" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0".
Write under this entry:
fwadvtorb.odf 0
-Save the file and close it.
-Do not change the directory but open the file "tech1.tt" with the Texteditor.
Search following Entry:
fedpod24.odf 1 fedpod14.odf // research pod (engine upgrade level 3)
fedpod25.odf 1 fedpod15.odf // research pod (life support upgrade level 3)
-Write under this entry:
fwadvtorb.odf 0
-Save the file and close it.
4.-Choose the directory: "...\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites".
open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor.
Look for the entry:
b_fmining gbfmining 0 0 64 64
b_fsensor gbfsensor 0 0 64 64
-Write under this entry:
b_fwadvtorb fwadvtobb 0 0 64 64
-Search in the same file the entry:
fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48
fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48
fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48
fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48
fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48
-Write under this entry:
fwadvtorbw1 fwadvtorpwf 160 0 80 80
fwadvtorbw2 fwadvtorpwf 0 80 80 80
fwadvtorbw3 fwadvtorpwf 80 80 80 80
fwadvtorbw4 fwadvtorpwf 80 0 80 80
fwadvtorbw5 fwadvtorpwf 0 0 80 80
-Save the file and close it.
Polys: 503
Animation: Yes (all the time)
High resolution textures: yes
Borgtexture: no
Wireframe: yes
Buildbutton: yes
ShipImage: yes
SOD by me: yes
adapted ODF: yes
adapted weapons: yes
Special-Weapons by me: none
Model has a real example: no
Lightmaps: yes
With the Freeware Programm AssimView
is it possible to open the SODs to look for the harpoints.
Questions to: fahres@gmx.net
ICQ: 148686453
This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision,
its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or
companies associated with it. Therefore, the creators of this file,
Activision, and it's subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this
file may do to your computer. Also, don't use others' models in mods
and or releases with out the authors permission.
Have fun with this heavy turret!
FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER
Version | Author | FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,386 | Size | 616.39 KB | Created | 2006-09-10 |
I just made it for people like you