Cloaking X-Wing
From the readme:
This mod gives the federation a buffed up cloakable xwing. It can be built
from the normal ship yard.
Kind of like "The Best of Both Worlds," eh?
This mod gives the federation a buffed up cloakable xwing. It can be built
from the normal ship yard.
nothing! you dont have to do anyhting on your part. just double click on
the installer and vuala!!
Credits for X-wing:
Challenger the whole mesh as well as a few texture parts
rest of the texture consists of renders from
Harry Changs,Matt Waltons,Jose Gonzales Parejas and Matt Allens cooperative
done X-wing mesh from
Full credit goes to them for the texture
Wireframe and Build button by Challenger
Laser texture and Proton torpedo weapon by the STvsSW team
Laser and Proton torpedo sounds from Xwing Alliance
installer created by "WASAAP!"
Version | Author | WASAAP | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,660 | Size | 330.81 KB | Created | 2002-10-17 |
otherwise an excellent mod