Shadow Class
Admit it: no other Romulan starship draws your attention quite as quickly when you're under attack. The Shadow class starship has some of the most dangerous special weapons in the game, whether it's the psychonic blast or the holo-emitter. And then there's the phase cloak, which means that you can't even see it. And as far as benevolent special weapons go, the special energy shield emitter is pretty much the best there is short of the Federation Nebula's repair team.
Dan1025 has turned his attention to this Romulan starship, using the base of the departed K7A's model and giving it a revised, darker texture more in keeping with recent Romulan mods. The detail is greater and the colour matched perfectly to the other Romulan ships available. And as always, the details in the mod are all there, as are the comprehensive installation instruction we've come to expect from Dan's mods.
Definitely worth a download.
I've always loved K7As retexture of the Romulan Shadow Class, the only thing it suffered from was the fact that it was a retexture of a very low poly stock model, so here I've tried to change that. I've increased the detail of the stock Shadow model, increasing the poly count in certain areas to give it a higher quality look. I've also altered K7As textures to make them match the darker green Romulan ships available.
This will act as a replacement for your Shadow Class (rspecial).
Included in this mod are:
SOD file
Ship textures
Borg textures
Ship ODF
AdmiralsLog picture
Installation Instructions:
1. Place "rspecial.sod" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
3. Place "rspecial.odf" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
4. Place the bitmap file found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
(Ensuring you click "Yes" when the computer asks if you'd like to replace the older files).
5. Find the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).
Search for where it says:
"Romulan Wireframes"
and delete the entry for rspecial
now find where it says:
(if this reference isn't in your Romulan Wireframes section you'll need to add it at the end of the section).
and add:
rspecialw1 WFrspecial 0 0 64 64
rspecialw2 WFrspecial 0 0 64 64
rspecialw3 WFrspecial 0 0 64 64
rspecialw4 WFrspecial 0 0 64 64
rspecialw5 WFrspecial 0 0 64 64
Save and close the file.
Credits & Thanks:
Credit for the original model goes to Activision/MadDoc
Credit for the original texture file goes to K7A
Credit for the orginal borg texture I used goes to "Scorpians" altered SFC stock sphere mod
A big thanks to Activision for releasing this game and giving us all something fun to mod and improve upon.
If you have any issues/questions or if you would like to use this mod for something you plan to release, please email me at:
Hope you enjoy the mod! :)
Version | Author | dan1025 | Website | ||
Downloads | 934 | Size | 2.57 MB | Created | 2009-07-22 |
However I and, I suppose, many other modders as well are still looking for replacements for the shrike, griffin raptor and draconarius.
That would surely make the Romulans much more interesting to kill or kill with.
Kind regs, Franxoft Imports