According to the odf, this is a larger and more powerful varient of the Bird Of Prey. It uses the standard texture of the BOP, though...
Kâvort mod by cpt_geddes.
Add kvort.odf to ships/odf.
Add kvort.sod to sod.
Add kvort.bmp to bitmaps/Admirals log/ship images.
Open tech1.tt and add: kvort.odf 1 kresear.odf under klingon ships.
Open kyard and add: buildItem# = âkvortâ (where # is the next number)
Open gui_global.spr and under klingon build buttons (reference 64) add:
b_kvort gbkcruise3 0 0 64 64
Version | Author | Cpt Geddes | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,629 | Size | 66.36 KB | Created | 2002-12-21 |
Now, we can choose BOTH versions, giving the Klingon Empire new life in its never-ending quest for control of the galaxy.
Open kyard and add: buildItem# = âkvortâ (where # is the next number)
Open gui_global.spr and under klingon build buttons (reference 64) add:
b_kvort gbkcruise3 0 0 64 64
where are this located?