Klingon Cargo Ship
And the SFC2 ports continue from CanadianBorg. This one's a cargo ship for the Klingons, without lightmaps or anything else.
I don't know, ports are all well and good, but maybe it's time to make something new rather than simply porting ship after ship.
Download this one if you want it.

Klingon Cargo Ship by CanadianBorg
Any advice or pointers are appreciated.
Thanks to FahreS for his lightmaps tutorial. Sorry I forgot to add this to the file readme.
The Klingon Cargo Ship is a replacement for the stock version, and is converted from SFC2.
Open the archive file and extract the folder "Klingon Cargo Ship" somewhere outside your A2 directory.
Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory. If it asks to overwrite, say "yes".
Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and find and delete the following entry:
kcargow1 klingwireframe03 0 48 48 48
kcargow2 klingwireframe03 48 48 48 48
kcargow3 klingwireframe03 96 48 48 48
kcargow4 klingwireframe03 144 48 48 48
kcargow5 klingwireframe03 192 48 48 48
That's it! You're ready to use the Klingon Cargo Ship in your game! I might be coming out with a full race mod soon, so stay tuned!
This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at sebastian.renmar@rogers.com
If you wish to use this ship in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.
Version | SFC2 port | Author | CanadianBorg | Website | |
Downloads | 700 | Size | 989.01 KB | Created | 2008-07-30 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?