Strider Class Assault
Thank you for downloading the Strider Class Assault cruiser. It was originally designed for Star Trek Legacy as an Enterprise era scout.
I felt from the beginning that was all wrong. I have also from the beginning wanted to bring her to Armada 2. Now that I have a few
models under my belt I felt it was time. Knowing full well that the era was all wrong for her, I decided to build her as a TMP era assault
cruiser. I took away her tractors and gave her torps but, everything else is still the same as the original assault ship.
Background Info:
Built at the Utopia Shipyards from 2283 to 2338, The Strider Class was designed with a multitude of roles in mind.
Primarily used for fleet support and small resupply missions, it was not intended for deep space missions without an accompanying cruiser.
In times of conflict, the Strider was also used to ferry Marines to planets needing their services.
The Marines were also used to board and subdue (if possible) or destroy (if necessary) enemy vessels.
From the author:
Thank you for downloading the Strider Class Assault cruiser. It was originally designed for Star Trek Legacy as an Enterprise era scout.
I felt from the beginning that was all wrong. I have also from the beginning wanted to bring her to Armada 2. Now that I have a few
models under my belt I felt it was time. Knowing full well that the era was all wrong for her, I decided to build her as a TMP era assault
cruiser. I took away her tractors and gave her torps but, everything else is still the same as the original assault ship.
Background Info:
Built at the Utopia Shipyards from 2283 to 2338, The Strider Class was designed with a multitude of roles in mind.
Primarily used for fleet support and small resupply missions, it was not intended for deep space missions without an accompanying cruiser.
In times of conflict, the Strider was also used to ferry Marines to planets needing their services.
The Marines were also used to board and subdue (if possible) or destroy (if necessary) enemy vessels.
Model Design: Mad-doc software for Star Trek: Legacy. Published by Bethesda Softworks under license by CBS.
A2 Model build: SciFiFan
Textures: Mad-doc software for Star Trek: Legacy. Published by Bethesda Softworks under license by CBS. Converted by SciFiFan.
Hardpoints: SciFiFan
ODF: SciFiFan
Build Button, Wire Frame: SciFiFan
This mod is not supported by Activision, Mad-doc, Bethesda Softworks, or CBS. I am not responsible for any damage that may be caused by
improper installation. This mod has been tested by me. Use of this mod in any other mod is restricted to those that have my permission
to do so.
NOTE: This mod was made with the Physic Project by Fahres installed. It is needed for this mod to work properly. If you do not have it,
minor ODF editing will be needed.
1) open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/textures/RGB" directory. Copy and paste all .tga files (F_Strider1, F_Strider2, gbtmpassault, and tmpwireframe)
into the directory.
2) Open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/sod" directory. Copy and paste the tmpassault.sod file into the directory.
3) Open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships" directory. Copy and paste the tmpassault.odf file into the directory.
4) open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/stations" directory. Open the station you wish to build the ship. Under the last buildItem add this ship.
IE: fyard.odf
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fcolony"
buildItem1 = "fscout"
buildItem2 = "fdestroy2"
buildItem3 = "fdestroy"
buildItem4 = "fnorway"
buildItem5 = "fcruise1"
buildItem6 = "fcruise3"
buildItem7 = "fcruise2"
buildItem8 = "fassault"
buildItem9 = "tmpassault"
Save then close the ODF file.
5) Open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree" directory. Find and open the "" file. Add the line "tmpassault.odf 0" Save then close.
6) Find and open the "" file.
// ***[ FEDERATION SHIPS ]************************
tmpassault.odf 1 fresear.odf // Strider Class
NOTE: The previous entry is where you set what is required to build this ship. Make whatever adjustment you like here.
Save and then close.
7) Open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites" file. Find and open the "gui_global.spr" file.
Look for the following entry:
# Federation build buttons
Under: @reference=64
ADD: b_tmpassault gbtmpassault 0 0 64 64
8) Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the following:
//TMP Assault Cruiser
tmpassaultw1 tmpwireframe 0 0 48 48
tmpassaultw2 tmpwireframe 48 0 48 48
tmpassaultw3 tmpwireframe 96 0 48 48
tmpassaultw4 tmpwireframe 144 0 48 48
tmpassaultw5 tmpwireframe 192 0 48 48
Save and close the file.
9) Open the "Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages" directory. Copy and paste the "tmpassault.bmp" file into the directory.
Congratulations, you now have the Strider Class Assault Cruiser in your fleet. I hope you enjoy.
Version | Author | SciFiFan | Website | ||
Downloads | 643 | Size | 720.22 KB | Created | 2010-10-11 |
I just don't think I'll use it as an assault ship, but as a construction ship. It looks more like that, IMHO.
Great work
The Minuteman class would also be great