This would be Zefram Cochran's first warp-capable ship, made for Armada II. Bit small, and could do with a little more detail, but overall, it isn't going to be used in massive fleet attacks (unless your the klingons, have stolen the design, and plan a mass-suicide run)
Still, it is a nice little thing to have. Brings a piece of Trek History to the game.
- Ash
Lord Agros Phoenix Mod
Firstly a little about this mod
The is the Phoenix as seen in first contact i originaly made this mod as a construction ship for my stargate mod as a easter egg.
I have since polished it up a dit and added a little more detail (it still can also be used as a construction ship)
Version History
1.0 Launched Phoenix, May we some day achieve this for real.
no wireframes
Build buttons
go to the
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Sprites
directry open in a text editor (I recomend Notepad ++)
# Federation build buttons
and add the following line below this
b_phoenix bphoenix 0 0 64 64
If prompted to overright anything MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP FIRST.
Place the SOD folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
Place the Textures folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
Place the ODF folder in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
place the splash file in C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\
Now to build this device do the following
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\techtree
add the line
Phoenix.odf 0
Somewhere in the file
now open
add the line
Phoenix.odf 0
Somewhere in the file
C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\stations
To add it to your ship yard (be it federation, borg, romulian, cardasian, klingon, 8472)
open the apropriate construction ship
federation fyard.odf
borg byard.odf
romulian ryard.odf
cardasian cyard.odf
klingon kyard.odf
8472 8472_FluidicGate.odf
Find the text that says buildItem
they will be in sequance with a maximum of 13 buttons
add the following line
buildItem1 = "Phoenix"
change 1 as apropriate depending on your build slots
NOTE: With 8472 the object will appear below the mother
to make the Phoenix build ships like a construction ship do the following
open C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships
open buran.odf
Go down to
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "fbase"
buildItem1 = ""
buildItem2 = ""
buildItem3 = ""
buildItem4 = ""
buildItem5 = ""
buildItem6 = ""
buildItem7 = ""
buildItem8 = ""
buildItem9 = ""
buildItem10 = ""
buildItem11 = ""
buildItem12 = ""
buildItem13 = ""
Add what ever you like between "" for example to build the federation strabase change buildItem0 = "" to buildItem0 = "fbase"
Version | Author | Lord_Agros | Website | ||
Downloads | 858 | Size | 529.75 KB | Created | 2007-04-21 |
oh my...
with this i may be able to imitate first contact i just need a balanced borg cube