NX Prototype NX Prototype

(9 votes)
Spectre, 2004-03-13

Its the NX Prototype seen in Star Trek: Enterprise.

No ODF included, It doesnt have a huge array of weapons. i suggest you create a odf or get someone to make you one or email me yourself and i wont mind.

Critical Hardpoints included, plus one for a single weapon or special weapon.

For the rest just unzip:

.SOD File to /SOD/
.tga Files to /Textures/RGB/

Make sure you add it to a buildable station and add the button to gui_global.spr and to tech1.tt

any problems email me: spectre@cscz.co.uk

Version    Author  Spectre  Website   
Downloads  1,207  Size  315.04 KB  Created  2004-03-13 



#1 cookuup18 2004-03-13 04:03
Nice to see a enterprise ship looks verry good now only if we can see some more ships from the series :thumbsup:
#2 MUNR0 2004-03-22 02:41
nice work

how about the 3 ships protecting enterprise from the klingons who are after archer

you know in the episode where a probe attacks earth and kills 7mill people

i fink its name was intrepid
#3 shadow43289 2004-04-20 20:24
I thought tthis ship was called Warp 2 Test Ship

Not the NX prototype but I may be wrong.
#4 Wolf01 2006-08-17 12:19
This ship was one of five. Each ship could go to it's number in warp speed, i.e. NX01 could do Warp 1, NX02 could do Warp 2, etc., etc. Archer and a friend of his... 'commandeered' one of these ships, and took it on a test run.
#5 Karle94 2008-06-26 15:09
Actually NX-01 was Enterprise and the first prototype the NX-Alpha could reach warp 2 as could the NX-Bravo and NX-Delta could reach warp 3

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