Mirror universe NX
This is the Mirror universe NX for Star Trek Armada II, ported from bridge commander. You might wan't to beware of the poly count on this one. Take a look at the screenshots though. It is a fine looking ship.
This is the Mirror universe NX converted by ME! From BC.
It has been taken from the NX pack, for those of you who are asking
i have ask permission. The answer was yes, so here are the credits to the oringal.
Origional Mesh: P81
Edited by: LC Amaral
Textures by: Mark (Ignis), LC Amaral
SFX: Mark (Ignis)
with thanks to the bridge commander community
Installation Instructions
Put Odf file in Star trek Armada 2/odf/ships
Put the sod files in star trek armada 2/sod
put all the textures in star trek armada 2/textures/RGB
then open up tech.tt
and add under federation ships (can be put under another race but you will have to open the .odf file and change the race.)
ISS_NX.odf 0
open Fulltech.tt
ISS_NX.odf 0
open up Gui_global.spr
and add under federation build buttons (can be put under another race but you will have to open the .odf file and change the race.)
b_ISS_NX gbISS_NX 0 0 64 64
No wire frame as yet.
then open your desided station you want it to be built from
buildItem# = (ISS_NX)
# = last build number +1
Ok, now run the game and enjoy. this is my first conversion so be kind. P.S this will be included in my up coming mirror mirror mod, if you want to help
E-mail me at data_dude90@yahoo.co.uk
Version | Author | 1_Beta_1 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,494 | Size | 9.27 MB | Created | 2005-08-01 |
When educating the new file posters, why not just instruct them to post all models over a certain poly threshold there, rather than in the 'normal model' area? I know my opinion might not be welcome, but hey, there you go...
To get around the problem of modders not including poly counts, you could add in the file submission rules that all files with no poly count (where relevant, i.e. if its an ODF mod, there are no polys to count) will be disregarded (it only takes a couple of seconds in MS3d to check the poly count of a model, its probably the same in other moddeling software
there you are, my 2cents (as the americans would say)