Avery class
Pizza the Hutt is the king of TOS and TMP era kitbashes. This time, he turns his attention to the Avery class, a sort of "what-if" TOS version of the USS Kelvin design. However, as kitbashes go, this one's a misfire: the textures --especially the registry-- just look sloppy. It's not the kind of quality work we're accustomed to, although the design itself is a good one.
Note you will require the TOS Weapons Pack by FahreS in order to get this model fully functional.
Avery Class by Pizza the Hutt
This is how the U.S.S. Kelvin in the Prime Universe would have looked like after a refit. In the Prime Universe,
Nero did not destroy the U.S.S. Kelvin. Instead, the ship underwent two major(in 2255 and 2277) and several minor refits
and was decomissioned in 2293. In 2250, Starfleet decided to change its numbering scheme to drop the leading 0
from registry numbers with less than four digits,changing the Kelvin's registry to NCC-514.
Copy the file TOSavery.sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the file TOSavery.odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the file TOSavery.bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder
Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "TOSavery" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number
Save that file
Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:
TOSavery.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Avery class
Save this file, open "fulltech.tt" and insert the following line
TOSavery.odf 0
Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder
Then add this line under federation build buttons:
b_TOSavery gbfTOSavery 0 0 64 64
add these lines into the gui global under wireframes:
TOSaveryw1 TOSaverywire 40 0 40 40
TOSaveryw2 TOSaverywire 0 40 40 40
TOSaveryw3 TOSaverywire 40 40 40 40
TOSaveryw4 TOSaverywire 80 0 40 40
TOSaveryw5 TOSaverywire 0 0 40 40
This is a kitbash of the TOS ships made by FahreS.
Have fun!!!
Pizza the Hutt
Version | Author | Pizza the Hutt | Website | ||
Downloads | 808 | Size | 1.48 MB | Created | 2009-12-29 |