Atlantis Class
The Atlantis Class starship.
Atlantis class by beginner
Atlantis class light cruiser
Install instructions
1. copy into armada directory
2. add atlantis.odf to the tech file in techtree
3. add
buildItemX = "atlantis" to a shipyard (where X is the number that comes after the above number)
4. play
5. if anyone wants a build button i am sorry but you shall have to do it your self,
i can't make a buildbutton to save my life
1. these files are no way in conjunction witha ctivision it's affiliates, subdivions or parent companys
2. this looks good if built from a sanfransisco shipyard
3. this is the third ship released from my tmp mod
Major A. Payne and captain fingers should get the credit, all i did was kitbash the pride class which
was a kitbash of captain fingers constitution-class
Version | 1.0 | Author | Beginner | Website | |
Downloads | 1,070 | Size | 318.65 KB | Created | 2005-05-21 |
oh wait... it's just a game. sorry... :-P
nice looking anyways
The only way i can see a starfleet ship having three nacelles is that the third one is a backup incase on fails, or maybe they alternate using them when at warp so they don't overheat.
just my 2 cents.